Photography Concentration
Art Program: Concentration in Photography

Photography III: Alternative Processes class with guest lecturer Sarah Van Keuren ’66.
Explore the course offerings for Photography below:
ARTT 004A. Photography I: Foundations in Photography
The purpose of this class is to introduce students to film-based photography as the primary image-making medium. Students will learn how to develop negatives in the darkroom, scan, and process the image with industry-standard software, then output to a digital printer. In the class, we will discuss design principles that will help students develop a personal vision for their work and explore creative ways of thinking and talking about photography. We will travel to various places off-campus to take pictures. Guest speakers and weekly research presentations on historically significant photographers will round out the experience.
ARTT 044A. Photography II: Digital Photography
ARTT 044B. Photography II: The Long Term Project
This class will offer an understanding of digital photography. The fundamentals of composition, the process of seeing, and lighting will constitute much of the discussion. Images will be processed using Adobe Lightroom. Students will learn workflows to create high-quality color images output to a professional level Epson color inkjet printer. In addition to the technical aspects of digital photography, this class’s main objective is to help students develop a deeper and more personal vision for their work.
Prerequisite: ARTT 300 or Professor Approval
ARTT 046a. Photo III: Alternative Processes
It could be argued that photography is dependent on technology and processes more than any other art form. In this class, we will investigate an assortment of methods and materials, which may not reflect traditional photography, but maintain the medium at its core. Assignments are designed to increase understanding of the various techniques artists have exploited the medium, including 19th-century cyanotype, Vandyke processes, and physical construction to create objects to photograph.
Prerequisite: ARTT 300 or 310 or Professor Approval.
The Senior Capstone is the culminating credit of your concentration in the Art major. The permanent faculty share the responsibility of mentoring you for this credit and will divide up the majors equally among themselves. It is not necessary and may not be possible to work with a faculty member from your chosen concentration. The Senior Capstone is designed to strengthen critical, theoretical and practical skills related to your studio practice. The success of your experience in a large part will be due to how you handle the level of independence. You will be responsible for structuring your studio time, maintaining a supply budget and coordinating meetings with your faculty mentor. The faculty mentor will guide and assess the development of work. You may reach out to other faculty to seek feedback during their scheduled office hours but your primary mentor will be appointed from the faculty. The Senior Capstone culminates in a curated group exhibition in the List Gallery. As was the case in the fall semester, you will have your own studio space in Whittier Hall.