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Current Writing Associate Fellows

2024 - 2025

WAs collaborate with students during all stages of the writing process and in various disciplines. They work in conjunction with courses, and they staff the Writing Center during weekday afternoons and evenings. 


Lead Fellows

Charlie Salinas '25

Charlie Salinas '25

Label: Pronouns: he/him

Majors: Spanish & Neuroscience

WA Focus: SPA, Science, Spanish

Bio: I host the Writing Center in the evenings! Happy to answer any questions about Spanish, Neuroscience, the WAM program, and everything in between :)


Joey Driscoll '26

Joey Driscoll '26

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Majors:  Educational Studies & Linguistics

WA Focus: SPA

Bio: Hi! My name is Joey (she/her) and I'm one of the SPA Lead Fellows. I am doing an honors major in Linguistics and a course major/honors minor in Education. I host the Writing Center on Sunday evenings, and I’m here to answer any questions you have about our program!

Jonah Pacis '25

Jonah Pacis '25

Label: Pronouns: he/him

Major:  Computational Biology     

Minors: Statistics & Japanese

WA Focus: SPA, Science

Bio: My name is Jonah (he/him) and I am a senior majoring in Computational Biology with minors in Statistics and Japanese. I enjoy working with writers of all linguistic backgrounds, especially when it comes to brainstorming new ideas and formulating a plan for writers to proceed confidently in their writing process! 

Jordyn Bernard '25

Jordyn Bernard '25

Label: Pronouns: they/them

Major: Urban Studies 

WA Focus: SPA

Bio: I host the Writing Center in the evenings :)

Nzana Thillot '25

Nzana Thillot '25

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Majors: Medical Anthropology & English Literature

WA Focus: SPA, French, Creative Writing

Bio: I am the events and communications lead fellow/host who specializes in French, SPAing, and other disciplines. 

Current WAs

Abby Houlihan '25

Abby Houlihan '25

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Major: Psychology     

Minor: Dance

WA Focus: SPA

Bio: Hi! My name is Abby and I enjoy collaborating with writers to brainstorm, explore, and organize new ideas. I also love working with students in SPA conferences to build speaking confidence! 


Angela Kwateng '27

Angela Kwateng '27

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Perspective Major: Undecided

Bio: Hi! My name is Angela, and my pronouns are she/her/hers. I enjoy creative writing and poetry, but I am open to all disciplines of writing. I am excited to explore different styles of writing and help people find their voice in their writing. I enjoy brainstorming and creating an outline before writing to help organize my writing. Overall, I look forward to working with everyone and having fun.

Anya Chu '27

Anya Chu '27

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Perspective Major: Comparative Literature

WA Focus: SPA, French, Creative Writing

Bio: Hi! My name is Anya and I will be a WA in the writing center. I hope to major in Comparative Literature, and look forward to helping people in all departments, especially French and literature. Outside of WA’ing, you can catch me at the radio station.

Avi Berman "26

Avi Berman "26

Label: Pronouns: he/him

Major: Political Science & Economics

Bio: Hi! My name is Avi and I use he/him pronouns. I'm an econ and poli sci major. I love working on all sorts of writing, and one of my favorite parts is getting to discuss and brainstorm new ideas. When I'm not studying, I like watching and playing hockey, reading, and some other things too. 

Billy (Cheng-Yen) Wu '26

Billy Wu '26

Label: Pronouns: he/him

Major: Sociology/Anthropology and Peace & Conflict

WA Focus: Mandarin

Bio: As a multilingual writer, I enjoy working with students of all cultural backgrounds and collectively explore ways of incorporating their own writing styles with the paper/project requirements. 

Bohou Zhang '27

Bohou Zhang '27

Label: Pronouns: he/him

Perspective Major: Political Science & Computer Science

WA Focus: Chinese, Creative Writing

Bio: My name is Bohou (pronounced buo-ho), though you can call me Benjamine if that's better for you. I'm a Political Science and Computer Science double major, pronouns are he/him, and in my spare time I enjoy reading, writing, and watching anime. I believe in centering my WA meetings on the students that I work with, so my approach is often based around collaboration and working through ideas together. Most often, I will try to prompt trains of thought with directed questions and ask students to build upon their previous ideas.

Brandon Archer '25

Brandon Archer '25

Label: Pronouns: he/him

Majors: English Literature & Black Studies  

WA Focus: Creative Writing

Bio: I am a senior English and Black Studies Double Major. I am excited to work in all disciplines and stages to support your writing journey. I center empathy and support in our conferences, and particularly love papers in the humanities. 

Carolina Lopez '25

Carolina Lopez '25

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Majors: Studio Art, Psychology,  and Educational Studies 

WA Focus: SPA, Creative Writing

Bio: I use she/her pronouns and especially enjoy working with creative and arts based writing, but am happy to work with any genre!

Carrie Ryter '25

Carrie Ryter '25

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Major: Educational Studies     

Minor: Psychology

WA Focus: French

Bio: Hi, I'm Carrie (she/her)! I especially love WAing Ed Studies papers and personal or narrative writing. Outside of WAing, I can usually be found hanging out in the Ed Studies department, engaging in Jewish life on campus, or checking out a new Philly cafe :) 

Chelsea Weisenfeld '26

Chelsea Weisenfeld '26

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Majors: Global Studies

Minor: French, Psychology

WA Focus: SPA, French

Bio: Hello! I use she/her pronouns and enjoy working on French, English, and History essays and assignments. The aspect of the writing process that I enjoy working on most would be brainstorming. 

Chioma Ibida '27

Chioma Ibida '27

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Majors: Psychology, Sociology & Anthropology

Black Cultural Center Writing Associate

WA Focus:  SPA, Creative Writing

Bio: Writing can be fun, all you really need is your own voice.

Chloe Kanemaru '26

Chloe Kanemaru '26

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Major:  Honors Classical Studies     

Minor: Honors English Literature  

WA Focus: SPA

Bio: Hi! My name is Chloe Kanemaru '26. When I'm not trying out the new restocked drinks in the WC fridge, you can find me working as co-president of the Swarthmore Pan-Asian Association, an umbrella organization committed to upholding and supporting the values of the various Asian affinity spaces on campus and fostering a safe community that welcomes all Asian identities. I love forging fulfilling dynamics with writers; regarding writing as communication has inspired me to help students express themselves in ways conducive to their own voice and style at every point of the writing process, from a messy brainstorm session to a mock presentation run-through . . . and everything in between!

Chung Sze Kwok '27

Chung Sze Kwok '27

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Perspective Majors: Educational Studies, Peace & Conflict Studies, and Cognitive Science

WA Focus: SPA

Bio: Hi! I’m Chung Sze (she/her) — ‘Sze’ is pronounced like the letter ‘C’ — and I’m from the UK. I enjoy working in a wide range of disciplines; at Swarthmore, I have explored everything from Computer Science and Cognitive Science to Educational Studies and Peace and Conflict Studies. Beyond WAing, I’m highly involved in the music department as a collaborative pianist, and I also work with the Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility.

Drake Roth '25

Drake Roth '25

Label: Pronouns: he/him

Majors: Honors English Literature & Physics 

WA Focus: Science

Bio: Hi everyone, my name is Drake and I’m a senior studying Honors English Literature and physics on the pre-med track. I’m super excited to work with you this semester! Writing (and reading) is one of my most favorite activities, in particular the radical freedom it grants in expression, and how to use what I see as the beauty of poetry to infuse prose with a unique melodic feel. I love the texture of writing, and the play of words. I’m excited to work with you all throughout the semester on how to find your voice through analytical writing, and how to conceive of (all the way from brainstorming through to polished final product) stronger, more persuasive, and — indeed — poetic papers. As well, if you are a science major or a humanities major, please feel free to talk to me about your experience in both classrooms (such as your discomfort in one or the other) as I find the overlap between the STEM and humanities disciplines a fascinating and under-analyzed one. I would be happy to open a dialogue with you on how to navigate these two very distinct environments and make them both feel welcoming as quickly as possible. I’m looking forward to a wonderful semester.

Ellen Stewart '27

Ellen Stewart '27

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Perspective Major: Psychology                                               Perspective Minor: English Literature

Bio: My name is Ellen (she/her) and I am a prospective Psychology major and English Literature minor. Along with WAing, I'm a Student Academic Mentor and the artistic director of one of our dance clubs on campus, Ember Dance Company. My favorite WA conferences are rough drafts because writers can see substantial progress in a single conference. But, I also love outlining!

Emily Kerimian '25

Emily Kerimian '25

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Major: Environmental Studies     

Minor: German 

WA Focus: SPA, Science, German, Creative Writing

Bio: Hello! My name is Emily Kerimian, she/her pronouns. I am an Honors Environmental Studies major and an Honors German Studies minor. I am the President of the Warmothers Ultimate Frisbee Team. I am proud of being a WA since freshman year. I enjoy working in scientific disciplines, in addition to the social sciences and German. I love to work on brain-storming conferences and I love SPAing. 

Emma Schmiedigen '27

Emma Schmiedigen '27

Label: Pronouns: she/they

Majors: Linguistics & Languages

WA Focus: French

Bio: (she/they) pronouns, linguistics and languages major

Francesca Cantor '25

Francesca Cantor '25

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Major: Honors Mathematics     

Minors: History & Computer Science

WA Focus: Spanish

Bio: I am an Honors Math Major, and a History Minor with a CS course minor. I use she/her pronouns, and outside of the Writing Center you can usually find me in the math department!

Gabby Rodriguez '27

Gabby Rodriguez '27

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Perspective Major: Biology     

Perspective Minor: English

WA Focus: SPA, Science

Bio: Hi, ya'll! My name is Gabby (she/her), and I am studying Biology and English Literature. I am involved with Swat's QuestBridge Chapter and STARRS (Swarthmore's Small Town, Rural, and/or Remote Club). I enjoy working with writers at *any* point in the writing process. Please don't hesitate to reach out—we're here to help you! 

Jade Buan '27

Jade Buan '27

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Perspective Majors: Economics & Political Science

Perspective Minors: French & Francophone Studies

WA Focus: SPA

Bio: Hi, I’m Jade (she/her), a current sophomore double majoring in Economics and Political Science, with additional studies in French. Outside of being a Writing Associate, I serve as the chair of Student Organizations for SGO, a board member of the International Relations Club, and a McCabe Scholars Executive Board member. I enjoy working with writers at any stage of the writing process, but I particularly focus on helping organize ideas to improve clarity and structure. My goal is to provide a collaborative and supportive environment where writers feel confident developing their work. 

Julian Courtney-Bacher '27

Julian Courtney-Bacher '27

Label: Pronouns; he/him

Major: Engineering

WA Focus: SPA, Engineering

Bio: Hello, I'm Julian(He/Him)! I'm a current engineering major here at Swarthmore. On campus I'm involved in the ASCE, the American Society of Civil Engineers, chapter at Swarthmore, the Swarthmore orchestra, and the badminton club. While writing may seem unusual to pursue due to my major, I believe all fields benefit from being able to more clearly and concisely communicate your ideas. Learning about writing pedagogy and practices has allowed me to improve aspects of lab reports in terms of structure and content in ways I was not knowledgeable of prior to becoming a WA. In this way, I always love discussing with writers their process and methodology, and I hope that by doing so I will help them find similar improvements and discoveries to benefit their writing. 

Katherine Kihiczak '25

Katherine Kihiczak '25

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Major: Comparative Literature     

Minors: Spanish, Linguistics

WA Focus: SPA, Spanish, French

Bio: I use she/her pronouns and am an Honors Comparative Literature major studying texts in French and Spanish. I love having conferences for all stages of the writing process; I think it is important for writers to know that they can come to the Writing Center with just a general idea and have a generative brainstorming conference.  I also love poetry and earl grey tea. 

Katie (Se Eun) Ryu '25

Katie Ryu '25

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Majors: Environmental Studies & English Literature 

WA Focus: SPA

Bio: I'm Katie (she/her), a senior double majoring in English Literature and Environmental Studies. I'm also a first-generation, low-income (FLI) student with interests in storytelling, research, and biocultural diversity. It's always important to me that I amplify the writer's voice and work together at all stages of the process, and I especially enjoy brainstorming ideas collaboratively. SPA conferences are my favorite type of conference!

Kenn Jiang '27

Kenn Jiang '27

Label: Pronouns: he/him

Perspective Majors: Political Science & Philosophy

WA Focus: SPA, Philosophy

Bio: Hi! My name is Kenn, and I’m especially interested in WA’ing Political Science and Philosophy papers! I love reading for reasoning and working on theses, so argue your cases to me!

Kevin (Zhe) Meng '25

Kevin Meng '25

Label: Pronouns: he/him

Major: Political Science     

Minor: Educational Studies 

WA Focus: Mandarin, Creative Writing

Bio: I love everything in the social sciences: political science, educational studies, history, economics, and sociology. I like brainstorming and pre-writing. 

Kristen Wang '26

Kristen Wang '26

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Majors: Philosophy & Computer Science

WA Focus: Philosophy

Bio: Hi, my name is Kristen and I'm a Philosophy and Computer Science major! This semester, I'm especially excited to work with WAees on strengthening their line-of-reasoning and argumentation. 

Leo Rosaz Shariyf '25

Leo Rosaz Shariyf '25

Label: Pronouns: he/him

Majors:  Psychology & Educational Studies 

WA Focus: SPA, Science, Spanish, French, Creative Writing

Bio: My pronouns are he/him. I enjoy working with writers across a variety of disciplines, especially psychology and Spanish. Outside of the Writing Center, I can be found performing in improv and sketch comedy shows, or working as a math coach for the Chester Children's Chorus. I believe WAing, working with kids, and comedy all require a good sense of humor. 

Lydia Morris-Kliment '27

Lydia Morris-Kliment '27

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Major: Economics & English

WA Focus: SPA, Creative Writing

Bio: I use she/her pronouns, I'm on the Track and Field team, and I enjoy brainstorming and revising!

Maria (Isabella) Fan '25

Maria Fan '25

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Majors: Mathematics & German 

WA Specialty: SPA, German, Creative Writing

Bio: Hi there! I'm a German & Math double major, pursuing secondary teacher certification for math. Since I work mostly with German literature essays and mathematical proof-writing, I've thought a lot about the ways these two very different genres actually draw upon similar and mutually reinforcing skills/techniques -- woohoo for interdisciplinary thinking!

Max Steuer '26

Max Steuer '26

Label: Pronouns: they/he

Major: Classical Studies 

WA Focus: SPA, Creative Writing

Bio: Max Steuer (he/they) enjoys writing creatively and makes do writing papers. As such, he's happy to WA for both - either to see other people who enjoy writing, or to help them through a tough assignment.

Milla Ben-Ezra '26

Milla Ben-Ezra '26

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Major: English Literature     

Minors: Sociology/Anthropology, and French & Francophone Studies.

WA Focus: SPA, French, Creative Writing

Bio: Milla studies English Literature, Sociology and Anthropology, and French. Her favorite part about being a WA is helping spark ideas that turn into awesome pieces of writing. 

Ming Gao '26

Ming Gao '26

Label: Pronouns: she/they

Majors: Engineering & Music

WA Focus: Engineering, Chinese

Bio: Hi! My name is Ming and I am an Engineering & Music double major. I would love to work with people in these fields. I am also interested in philosophy and enjoy discussions about philosophical papers. Outside of WAing, you can often find me in Lang music practicing or enjoying the beautiful view of Underhill!

Nico Johnson '26

Nico Johnson '26

Label: Pronouns: he/him

Majors: Music & Theater

WA Focus: Spanish, Creative Writing

Bio: Nice to meet you! I'm Nico, a junior double majoring in Music and Theater. While I enjoy a wide range of writing, I have a particular passion for analytical essays, creative writing, and Spanish language studies. As a WA, I’m here to help you with everything from brainstorming and structuring your papers to fine-tuning grammar (my favorite part). I look forward to working with you and supporting your writing journey!

Nina Zhuo '25

Nina Zhuo '25

Label: Pronouns: they/them

Majors:  English Literature & Computer Science 

Bio: I use they/them pronouns and most enjoy prewriting conferences.

Noah Sandfort '25

Noah Sandfort '25

Label: Pronouns: he/him

Majors: Political Science & Economics

WA Focus: Creative Writing

Bio: I enjoy theses and formulating research questions, as well as finding ways to tie my writing back to my personal interests!

Noor Ahmed '26

Noor Ahmed '26

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Major: Peace & Conflict Studies     

Minor: Art History

Bio: My favorite part of the writing process is definitely the revision aspect, after getting a draft done— I love the feeling of organizing my thoughts and making sense of my ideas, which I feel definitely informs why I enjoy and appreciate the structure of conferencing!

Rohan Mandayam '27

Rohan Mandayam '27

Label: Pronouns: he/him

Perspective Majors: Biology & Environmental Studies

WA Focus: SPA, Science

Bio: My name is Rohan and I am a Biology and Environmental Studies double major! I enjoy writing of all styles, from analytical to creative to scientific, and I love helping writers across all disciplines! In my spare time, I try to get outside as much as I can and enjoy the natural world.

Sarah Cymrot '27

Sarah Cymrot '27

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Majors: Medical Anthropology & English literature 

WA Focus: SPA, Creative Writing

Bio: I am a sophomore with an intended major of Medical Anthropology and English Literature—but I love working with writing in all disciplines and at all stages of “completion.” I am keenly aware that every piece of writing, from technical to lyrical, is also personal. Whether we spend our time together discussing ideas, actively drafting, or considering big-picture cohesion, I strive to support writers in feeling energized and confident in their own ability to tackle the writing process. 

Sena Forson '27

Sena Forson '27

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Major: Med. Anthropology     

Minor: Black Studies

WA Focus: Science

Bio: I'm Sena Forson and I use she/her pronouns. I enjoy Waing in all the disciplines but I'm particularly familiar with Bio, Black Studies, and SOAN academic writing. I love helping writers brainstorm and envision their paper at the beginning stages. But on the other extreme, I love making those final revisions/edits that make a paper feel complete!

Serafia Cecil '27

Serafia Cecil '27

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Perspective Major: English Literature     

Minors: Black Studies & Environmental Studies

WA Focus: SPA, Science, French, Creative Writing


Seth Jeter '25

Seth Jeter '25

Label: Pronouns: he/him

Majors: Economics & English Literature

WA Focus: Science, Creative Writing

Bio: I have taken a diverse set of classes at Swarthmore and am eager to assist Waees across disciplines. My favorite aspect of the writing process is also the one I find the most frustrating: developing arguments which are original and provocative but also plausible. I'm always happy to assist WAees at any stage in their process.

Shinz Jo Ooi '27

Shinz Jo Ooi '27

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Majors: Computer Science & Linguistics 

WA Focus: SPA

Bio: Hello, I’m Jo, a computer science and linguistics major! I like exploring how the writing process is different for everyone, and would be happy to work on the brainstorming and revising process. I’m also a SPA!

Spencer McQuaig '25

Spencer McQuaig '25

Label: Pronouns: they/them

Major: English Literature     

Minors: Educational Studies & Art History

WA Focus: Creative Writing

Bio: Spencer McQuaig is an English major with a double minor in Art History and Education from New York City. As a WA, Spencer specializes in creative writing, rhetorical analysis, and assignments that are grounded in at least one text. They are in the process of getting certified to teach elementary school. Outside of the WC, Spencer enjoys crocheting, watching Bob's Burgers, and reading Virginia Woolf.

Sunny Shi '27

Sunny Shi '27

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Major: Mathematics

WA Focus: SPA, Philosophy, Chinese

Bio: Hi, I am Sunny (she/her)! I am a sophomore studying math/stat. I look forward to working together!

Tate Garcia '25

Tate Garcia '25

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Major: Neuroscience

WA Focus: SPA, Science

Bio: Hi I'm Tate! I am a science WA and a SPA! I enjoy prewriting conferences because I like to brainstorm with writers :)

Zoe Tang '27

Zoe Tang '27

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Perspective Majors: Mathematics, English, and Educational Studies

Bio: Hi! I'm Zoe. My favorite part about WAing is listening to writers when they are brainstorming or clarifying their thinking. I feel grateful to be able to hear other peoples' brilliant ideas, so never hesitate to schedule a conference with me!

Off Duty WAs

Angelina Hemingway '26

Angelina Hemingway '26

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Major: Neuroscience     Minor: English Literature

WA Focus: Science

Bio: I’m a junior Psychology/English double major. Can’t wait for a great semester!

Ava Golde '26

Ava Golde '26

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Majors: History & Spanish

WA Focus: SPA, Spanish, Creative Writing

Bio: My favorite conferences are pre-writing ones, because it’s so interesting to discuss all the ways the paper could take shape and interesting avenues to explore! I also have a particular fondness for Spanish Literature papers. 

Brooke Bothner '26

Brooke Bothner '26

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Majors: Political Science & Economics

WA Focus: SPA

Bio: Hi I’m Brooke (she/her)! I really enjoy working in social science and philosophy. I am happy to work on any part of the writing process but I particularly enjoy working through first drafts.

Carolin Obispo '26

Carolin Obispo '26

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Majors:  Sociology & History 

Bio: I use She/Her/Hers pronouns and enjoy working with the social sciences. I like pre-writing conferences and coming up with new ideas!

Finn Verdonk '26

Finn Verdonk '26

Label: Pronouns: any

Majors: Dance & Linguistics

WA Focus: Creative Writing

Bio: Always extra happy to conference about creative writing :)

Lena Habtu '26

Lena Habtu '26

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Majors: Sociology/Political Sociology & Arabic 

WA Focus: Arabic

Bio: My name is Lena Habtu (she/her) and I’m studying Political Sociology and double minoring in Arabic and Computer Science. So far, I’ve Course WA’ed in Anthropology and Philosophy — I really enjoy writing for the social sciences and inquiry-oriented writing in general! My favorite aspect of the writing process to work with writers on is prewriting. I love getting from what feels like a jumble of ideas into a fully fledged outline through conferencing and learning more about a writer’s vision for their piece. I’ve also been able to engage with the Writing Center beyond conferences, through my role as an Inclusive Excellence Fellow. Last spring, I developed workshops for all WAs last spring centering ways in which privilege and identity manifest in WA conferences. I look forward to continuing that work this semester. Outside of the Writing Center, I serve as a tutor for the Chester Children’s Choir, the Director of Communications for Aja, an editor for Crossings (Swarthmore’s undergraduate feminist research journal), and the Community Outreach Liaison for SASA. 

Liv (Alivia) Johnston '26

Liv (Alivia) Johnston '26

Label: Pronouns: they/them

Majors: English Literature & Educational Studies

WA Focus: SPA, Creative Writing 

Bio: Hi! I'm Liv (they/them), I'm majoring in English and Education, and I'm specifically interested in political education through teaching literature and creative writing. My favorite part of the writing process is the pre-writing stage where I get to hear all of the writer's early thoughts, then work on synthesizing a thesis. I'm excited for another semester of getting to talk with writers about their ideas, goals, and fully formed papers! 

Peter (Bite) Qiu '25

Peter (Bite) Qiu '25

Label: Pronouns: any

Majors: Psychology & English Literature 

WA Focus: Mandarin, Creative Writing


Zoe Sperduto '26

Zoe Sperduto '26

Label: Pronouns: she/her

Major: Engineering      Minor:  Educational Studies

Bio: Hi, my name is Zoe! I am a Junior from NYC and use she/her pronouns. I am studying engineering and educational studies and, in my free time, I lead the Sexual Health Advocates, do wood mechanics research, and have a radio show. I enjoy working with writers in all disciplines at all stages of the writing process. One of my goals as a WA is to bring more engineers into the WC––please bring me your E11 lab reports!