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17 October 2012

Staff Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes for October 17, 2012


Linda Hunt, Mary Carr, Sheila Magee, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Jacqui West, Steve Palmer

Ex-Officio Members:

Sharmaine LaMar and Pamela Prescod-Caesar

Linda Hunt convened the meeting at 10:10 a.m. in the Parrish 221

Staff Development Week

A staff member asked that information regarding Staff Development week be sent out more than a week or two in advance in the future. The information for the October events was sent out to campus only days before the events and many people already had prior commitments. Pamela indicated that future communications will be sent out further in advance so staff can plan accordingly.

All Staff Meeting

The next All-Staff Meeting is confirmed for Friday, 11/2 from 10:30 - 12:00 p.m. in LPAC.

Recognition for Time of Service

A staff member asked if part time employees are recognized for time of service. The consensus was that they are but Pamela was going to confirm with HR staff.

HR Staffing question

A staff member had a question regarding who to contact in HR for leave information. Pamela indicated that Terri Maguire is the HR contact for employees anticipating a leave of absence, such as disability, maternity, etc. Terri can be reached at

Department Chair Orientation

A question was raised as to whether or not newly appointed chairs have orientation sessions with HR to review policies, labor rules, etc. At this time there is not a program but Pamela will look at the training and education needs for those in that role to hopefully establish a program.

Martin Luther King Flex Day

A staff member was disappointed to lose the flex holiday because they did not use the day before August 31st. It was asked that the holiday calendar have an asterisk next to the day indicating that the day needs to be used by 8/31 of that year or it will be forfeited. HR agreed to make the change on the schedule.

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Fitzpatrick
Whittier Circle Representative