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Faculty & Staff

Russian Faculty

Sibelan Forrester

Susan W. Lippincott Professor of Modern and Classical Languages

Program Coordinator, Comparative Literature; Interpretation Theory

Section Head, Russian

Modern Languages & Literatures-Russian

Comparative Literature

Interpretation Theory


  1. Phone: (610) 328-8162
  2. Kohlberg Hall 340

Interests: Russian and East European women writers; gender and sexuality in language and literature; Modernism; literary and scholarly translation and translation theory

Photo of Sibelan Forrester

Anton Svynarenko

Visiting Assistant Professor

Modern Languages & Literatures-Russian


  1. Phone: (610) 957-6298
  2. Kohlberg Hall 337

Tsvetelina Yordanova


Modern Languages & Literatures-Russian


  1. Phone: (610) 328-8506
  2. Kohlberg Hall 303
profile picture of Tsvetelina Yordanova

Russian Administrative Staff

Bethanne Seufert

Administrative Assistant II

Modern Languages & Literatures


  1. Phone: (610) 328-8679
  2. Kohlberg Hall 316
profile picture of Bethanne Seufert

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