- Group A Neuroscience Electives
Note: If you are considering a course but don't see it on this list, contact the Neuroscience faculty administrator to see if it counts for Group A or Group B credit. It is also possible to substitute or add electives from other universities (e.g., Systems Neuroscience at UPenn), including abroad but students should seek Swarthmore faculty approval for such courses in advance.
At least one Foundation Course must be taken. Both are recommended. (Both count as group A):
BIOL 022 Neurobiology [1 CR SS) (Foundation Course)
PSYC 030 Behavioral Neuroscience ( 1 CR NSEP) (Foundation Course)BIOL 020 Animal Physiology (1CR NSEP)
BIOL 027 Systems Biology (1 CR NSEP)
BIOL 030 Animal Behavior (1CR NSEP)BIOL 119 Genomics and Systems Biology (1CR NSE)
BIOL 123 Stress Physiology Seminar (1CR NSE)
BIOL 123A Hallmarks of Neurodegeneration Seminar (1CR NSE)
BIOL 127 Behavioral Neuroendocrinology (CR1 NSE)
BIOL 129 Developmental Neurotoxicology (1CR NSE)
PSYC 031 Cognitive Neuroscience (1CR SS)
PSYC 031A Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience (1CR SS)PSYC 032 Perception ( 1CR NSEP; requires concurrent enrollment in PSYC 132)
PSYC 043 Computational Methods for Psychology and Neuroscience (1CR SS)
PSYC 130 Behavioral Neuroscience seminar (1CR SS)
PSYC 131 Cognitive Neuroscience Seminar (1CR SS)
PSYC 131A Psychology and Neuroscience: The Social Brain seminar (1CR SS)
PSYC 131B Seminar in Affective Neuroscience (1CR SS)
PSYC 132 Perception, Laboratory Course & Seminar (1CR SS; Requires concurrent enrollment in PSYC 032)- Group B: Neuroscience Electives
Group B electives are courses that might enhance and/or extend a students' neuroscience focus.
BIOL 010 Genetics (NSEP)
BIOL 014 Cell Biology(NSEP)
BIOL 016 Microbiology(NSEP)
BIOL 019 Omics. (NSEP)
BIOL 024 Developmental Biology (NSEP)
BIOL 034 Evolution (NSEP)
BIOL 111 Genome Regulation by Noncoding RNA seminar (NSE)BIOL 114 Host-Pathogen-Microbiota Interactions (NSE)
BIOL 115E Plant Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology (NSE)
BIOL 120 Physiological Ecology (NSE)
BIOL 128 Evolution and Development(NSE)
BIOL 134 Evolution of Animal Societies (NSE)
CHEM 038 Biological Chemistry
COGS 001 Introduction to Cognitive Science
CPSC 021 Introduction to Computer Science
ENGR 051 Biomedical Signals
ENGR 065 Introduction to Biomechanics
MATH 056 Modeling
PSYC 027 Scientific Computing for Psychology
PSYC 033 Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 034 Psychology of Language
PSYC 035 Social Psychology
PSYC 037 Multicultural Psychology
PSYC 038 Clinical Psychology
PSYC 039 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 042 Cognitive Behavior Therapy
PSYC 133 Metaphor and Mind seminar
PSYC 134 Psycholinguistics seminar
PSYC 135 Social Psychology
PSYC 137 Multicultural Psychology: Immigrant Adjustment
PSYC 138A Clinical Psychology seminar
PSYC 138B Clinical Psychology seminar*
PSYC 138C Clinical Psychology seminar*
PSYC 139 Developmental Psychology seminar
* Note that only one PSYC 138 seminar (either A or B) may be used as an honors preparation.
Comprehensive Requirement
Students are required to write a thesis paper in their senior year that is normally original empirical work conducted with faculty supervision and often in collaboration with other students.
This is normally done as part of a Research Practicum Course in Psychology, or as an Honors Thesis (if in honors). However, limited individual thesis supervision is also available both in the Department of Psychology and in the Department of Biology at the discretion of the prospective faculty advisor.
Research Practica Courses
(These courses offer an opportunity to conduct a research project in one semester. The final paper for the course, when completed in the senior year, can count as the thesis in Neuroscience.)
- PSYC 102 Research Practicum in Perception and Cognition
- PSYC 103 Research Practicum in Behavioral Neuroscience
- PSYC 104 Research Practicum in Mind and Language
- PSYC 105 Research Practicum in Psychology and Neuroscience
- PSYC 110 Research Practicum in Cognitive Neuroscience
Thesis in course:
- PSYC 180 Honors Thesis (2 credits)
Thesis options. Each Neuroscience major must write their own Thesis, from one of the following options:
- Students in Biology seminars and Psychology Research Practica often work on group projects and sometimes produce multi-authored research papers. Such a project may serve as the basis of a Neuroscience Research Thesis, but a research paper submitted as the neuroscience thesis must be a unique product of the student who submits it and should be undertaken under the guidance of the faculty member who taught the seminar or research practicum.
- The thesis may be based on an individual research project directly supported by a faculty member as a Group C elective in either Biology or Psychology.
- Occasionally, the thesis may be based on a separate research project, such as might occur during a summer (either at Swarthmore or at another institution). In this case, a student
- must secure the preliminary consent of a faculty mentor in either Biology or Psychology (whichever is more appropriate for the project) before beginning work on the project (i.e., before the summer research experience).
- provide a one-page summary of the research project to both the faculty mentor and their academic advisor at the beginning of the fall semester of the senior year (no later than Friday of the first week of classes).
- If the faculty mentor approves the project for a Neuroscience Thesis, and consents to mentor the student through the process of writing the thesis, then the student will register for a 0.5 credit unit of Neuroscience Thesis during either (but not both) semester of the senior year.
Thus the Neuroscience thesis can take many different forms that depend on the advisor's research style and interests, as well as the student's. For example, quantitative modeling of biological or cognitive processes underlying behavior is part of neuroscience, as well as direct measurement or manipulation of genetic, biological or physiological processes. Purely behavioral measures of explicit responses may be considered neuroscience methods when the structure of processing is under investigation in a way that helps to constrain theories concerning mechanisms underlying neurally controlled behaviors. In short, Neuroscience students may do many different kinds of theses, using many different kinds of scientific methods, as developed in concert with their advisor.
Neuroscience Research Thesis: Guidelines for content and organization.
- The thesis should be organized in the format of a formal scientific paper, including the following sections: abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments, and references.
- The thesis should report new empirical data on a research project that was conducted by the student.
- As the comprehensive exercise for an interdisciplinary major, students should endeavor to explain their scientific question(s) and how their work is related to larger questions or themes in neuroscience in the thesis introduction and/or discussion.
- The length of the thesis is normally to be no more than 20 pages, double-spaced (exclusive of figures, tables, and references).
- The deadline for submitting the complete draft of the thesis will be set by the faculty research mentor; normally this would be within a week of the last day of spring semester classes.
Note that a Neuroscience Thesis may take other forms, as negotiated with the Thesis mentor and based on limitations/ability to conduct new studies; for example, a grant proposal or re-analysis of existing dataset(s) may be deemed appropriate for the completion of a Neuroscience thesis.
Neuroscience Research Thesis: Evaluation.
- 0.5-credit or 1-credit course thesis will be evaluated by the student's Swarthmore faculty thesis mentor
- 2-credit course thesis will be evaluated by two faculty members, normally one from Biology and one from Psychology. One of these will normally be the faculty thesis mentor, and the second will be determined by the student in consultation with the thesis mentor.
3. Sample Neuroscience Course Majors
The Neuroscience Major is demanding, but can be very flexible. It is important to receive advising from a faculty member in planning your program. Here we show several very different versions of what the major might look like within the rules above. These are intended to be illustrative, rather than representative, and they should not take the place of advising.
SAMPLE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS (including 2 credits toward major)
AP in BIOL 001 plus BIOL 002 (1 credit counted toward major credits)
AP in PSYC (no credit) plus PSYC 025 (1 credit counted toward major credits)
AP in Calculus, STAT 011, CHEM 010, CHEM 022
- The "Minimalist" Neuroscience Major
This example is not a recommended path, but is shown only to clarify what is possible.
A total of 8 Elective credits = 5 credits from Group A (including 1 Foundation) + 3 credits from Groups B/C:PSYC 030 (Group A, Foundation)
BIOL 030 (Group A elective)
PSYC 031 (Group A elective)
PSYC 032 (Group A elective)
PSYC 130 (Group A seminar)
BIOL 014 (Group B elective)
COGS 001 (Group B elective)
PSYC 105 (Research Elective/Comprehensive)- The "Core Emphasis" Neuroscience Major
A total of 9-10 Elective credits = 8 credits from Group A (including 2 Foundation courses) + 1 or 2 Research credits:
BIOL 022 (Group A, Foundation)
PSYC 030 (Group A, Foundation)
PSYC 130 (Group A, seminar)
BIOL 122 (Group A seminar)
PSYC 031/131A (2-credit Group A electives)
PSYC 032/132 (2-credit Group A elective)
PSYC 105 or PSYC 096/097 (1- or 2-credit Research Elective/Comprehensive)- The "Cognitive Neuroscience Emphasis" Neuroscience Major
A total of 8 Elective credits = 7 credits from Group A (including 1-2 Foundation courses) + 1 Research credit:
PSYC 030/130 (Group A Foundation + Group A elective)
BIOL 022 or BIOL 030 (Group A elective)
PSYC 031A/131A (2-credit Group A electives)
PSYC 032/132 (Group A elective)
PSYC 102, 104 or 105 (1-credit Research Elective/Comprehensive)- The "Biology Emphasis" Neuroscience Major
A total of 9 Elective credits = 7 credits from Group A (including 1-2 Foundation courses) + 1 credit from Group B + 1 Research credit:
BIOL 022 (Group A Foundation)
PSYC 030, 031, or 032 (Group A)
BIOL 029 (Group A)
BIOL 030 (Group A)
BIOL 122 (Group A elective)
BIOL 127 (Group A seminar)
BIOL 131 (Group A elective)
BIOL 010 (Group B)
BIOL 098 (1-credit Research Elective/Comprehensive)
Honors Neuroscience Major Requirements
Entry requirements for admission to the Neuroscience Honors major are the same as those for admission to the Course major (see section A above).
The Neuroscience Honors major comprises two (2) Entry Requirement courses, at least one (1) of the two Foundation Courses, three (3) Honors Seminar preparations, and an Honors Research Thesis.
Students will be officially added to Honors on the Major/Minor Portal ONLY by the Academic Assistant to the Neuroscience Major once ALL of the following requirements have been met:
- A copy of the honors form, signed by the Neuroscience Major Administrator, has been received by the Academic Assistant to the Neuroscience Major.
- The Neuroscience Major Administrator has approved the student’s application to Honors via email to the Academic Assistant.
- The mentor of the student’s Honors Thesis has emailed their request to enroll the student in BIOL/PSYC 180 (i.e., Neuroscience Honors Thesis).
1. Neuroscience Foundation Courses: Majors will complete at least one of:
BIOL 022 Neurobiology
PSYC 030 Behavioral Neuroscience
2. Honors Seminar Preparations
Majors will complete three (3) seminar preparations from the following groups, with at least two from Group A (normally one from BIOL and one from PSYC) and no more than two in one department.
Honors Prep | Department | Course |
1 | Biology | Group A core course |
Biology | Group A seminar | |
2 | Psychology | Group A core course |
Psychology | Group A seminar | |
3 | an additional core course in Group A or Group B | |
an additional seminar in Group A or Group B | ||
4 | two credits of Neuroscience Honors Thesis* |
* Neuroscience Honors Majors that have conducted their honors thesis research in conjunction with a member of the Biology Department at Swarthmore (or another institution but sponsored by a faculty member in Swarthmore's Biology Department) must enroll in one credit of BIOL 199 (Senior Honors Study) during their senior spring semester. This course is taken by honors candidates that are Biology, Biochemistry, and Neuroscience majors with theses that are biology focused. Students will participate in weekly meetings focused on presenting their thesis research orally and providing peer-feedbackNote that each seminar preparation must include a different core course; together, the core course and the seminar constitute 1 2-credit Honors Preparation. For example:
- If a Neuroscience Honors Major decided to take both PSYC 131 and PSYC 131A, they must also take both PSYC 031 and PSYC 031A.
- If a Neuroscience Honors Major decided to take both BIOL 122 and BIOL 129, they must also take both BIOL 021 and BIOL 029 (or equivalent core courses).
Potential Honors Majors are strongly encouraged to speak with their Advisor early in the process to verify that these requirements are met.
- Group A: Neuroscience Honors Seminars
Recently offered Group A seminars include...
BIOL 121 Neural Systems and Behavior seminar (last offered S'20)
BIOL 122 Reverse Engineering the Brain
BIOL 123A Hallmarks of Neurodegeneration
BIOL 127 Behavioral Neuroendocrinology
BIOL 129 Developmental Neurotoxicology
PSYC 130 Behavioral Neuroscience seminar
PSYC 131 Cognitive Neuroscience Seminar
PSYC 131A Psychology and Neuroscience: The Social Brain seminar
PSYC 131B Seminar in Affective Neuroscience
PSYC 032/132 Perception, Laboratory Course & Seminar (2 credits)- Group B: Honors Seminars in Related Scientific Areas
Recently offered Group B seminars include...
BIOL 111 Genome Regulation by Noncoding RNA
BIOL 115 Plant Molecular Genetics
BIOL 119 Genomics and Systems Biology
BIOL 120 Physiological Ecology
BIOL 125 Cellular Basis of Embryonic Development & Cancer
BIOL 128 Evolution and Development
BIOL 134 Evolution of Animal Societies
BIOL 136 Molecular Ecology and Evolution
PSYC 133 Metaphor and Mind
PSYC 134 Psycholinguistics seminar
PSYC 135 Social Psychology
PSYC 137 Multicultural Psychology: Immigrant Adjustment
PSYC 138 Clinical Psychology
PSYC 139 Developmental Psychology
3. Honors Research Thesis (2 credits)
The Neuroscience Honors Thesis is a complete scientific paper based on a substantial research project that, according to the practices of the host department, may be completed in two semesters of research OR in one or two summers plus one semester of research. The project will be taken for one or two credits and will be graded by an External Examiner. Normally, Neuroscience Honors students that complete their theses with a Psychology mentor enroll for 2 1-credit semesters of PSYC 180; Neuroscience Honors students that complete their theses with a Biology mentor enroll for (a) 1 or 2 1-credit semesters of BIOL 180, and (b) 1 1-credit semester of BIOL 199 (in their senior spring semester).
The Honors thesis normally has a page limit of 20 pages, not counting references, figures, figure legends or tables.
An Honors thesis requires a significant investment of thought and time. This begins with careful advance planning. A Neuroscience Honors major will normally identify a faculty member in either Psychology or Biology who consents to be their thesis mentor no later than the end of the junior fall semester. Each Honors student will develop a thesis plan in collaboration with their thesis mentor by the end of their junior spring semester.