
Offer a SwatWorks Micro-Internship
SwatWorks micro-internships are short-term, paid, professional assignments that are similar to those given to new hires or interns. If you have a 10-, 20-, or 40-hour remote project that could be completed by a Swarthmore student, consider registering it with SwatWorks. Doing so creates opportunities for Swarthmore students to explore career paths, learn or refine skills, and build their networks — while offering you extra help and a chance to mentor a student. Learn more about SwatWorks micro-internships and register your project now.
Hire a Swattie
Career Services at Swarthmore College offers employers access to highly motivated students to fill internship and job openings. We welcome the opportunity to assist you in connecting with students. Find out how to post jobs or internships.
Additional Opportunities
The Alumni and Family Programs office is evaluating additional opportunities for parents, guardians, and family members of Swarthmore students to volunteer and engage with the life of the College. To find out more, contact Assistant Vice President of Alumni and Family Programs Ellen Caccia at ecaccia1@swarthmore.edu.