Social Media & Publications

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Help us keep in touch with you by notifying Alumni and Parent Records of any address, telephone, or email changes. Send changes to or call 610-328-8408.
The best way to stay up-to-date with campus news and events is to sign up to receive emails from the College, including the Minding the Light e-newsletter.
Social Media
The College maintains official social media accounts on Facebook ("Swarthmore College"), YouTube (SwarthmoreCollegePA), Instagram (@swarthmorecollege), and X (@swarthmore). In addition to the general Swarthmore College accounts, many departments and student organizations have their own social media presence, from Athletics to the Bookstore, Intercultural Center, Libraries, and beyond. Learn more about social media at Swarthmore.
Swarthmore College Bulletin
This magazine covering Swarthmore news and alumni, faculty, and student accomplishments is produced by the College Communications Office and sent to all community members, including parents and families. Read the Bulletin online.