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Course Minors

Dancers Spring 2019 Dance Concert

photo credit: Sasha Fornari

Course Minor
The goal of the course minor in dance is to expose a student to the broad scope of the field. The distribution of required courses for the minor provides students with an introduction to Dance Studies and Choreography and allows them to direct their final credit(s) in the minor toward one of these two areas. Minors will be encouraged, but not required, to develop an extended paper or a dance performance piece as part of their program. All dance minors are strongly encouraged to participate in Studio Practice and Repertory/Ensemble classes each semester.
All Minors will design their programs in consultation with a faculty advisor.

 Requirements for Admission to the Minor (to be completed in the first two years of study):
1. Overall average of C or better in all courses taken during the two semesters preceding the time of application.
2. Completion of one course in dance studies at Swarthmore with a grade of B or better.
3. Completion of at least one .5 credit course in Studio Practice or Repertory/Ensemble

*Although Studio Practice and Repertory/Ensemble courses can be repeated for credit, a student can only apply a course once towards the Minor requirements.  

 Requirements for the Minor - Dance Studies focus:
1. Three Dance Studies courses
    a. One course from: DANC 021 or 022
    b. One course from: DANC 004 or 025
    c. One Dance Studies elective course
2. Additional elective courses (totaling 2.5 credits) proposed by the student and approved on an individual basis by the faculty from a combination of dance studies, choreography, studio practice, and repertory/ensemble courses.*
Total credits for Minor – Dance Studies focus: 5.5

*Although Studio Practice and Repertory/Ensemble courses can be repeated for credit, a student can only apply a course once towards the Minor requirements.  

Requirements for the Minor - Choreography focus:
1. DANC 011. Dance Lab I: Making Dance or DANC 012. Dance Lab II: Making Dance
2. Two Dance Studies courses
    a. One course from: DANC 004, 021, 022, or 025
    b. One Dance Studies elective course
3. Two .5 credit Repertory/Ensemble courses in different dance or movement forms*
4. Three .5 credit Studio Practice courses in different dance or movement forms*
Total credits for Minor – Choreography focus: 5.5

*Although Studio Practice and Repertory/Ensemble courses can be repeated for credit, a student can only apply a course once towards the Minor requirements.