Making Herstory Contest

Making Herstory Contest Poster
The Makerspace, in partnership with the Women's Resource Center, invites Swarthmore College students to make a handmade tribute to a woman-identifying or gender non-conforming figure from history. This can take form in a portrait, diorama, object, costume, or other creation. Makerspace resources may be used by students on campus, and students living off campus are invited to use found materials and craft supplies from home. Up to 5 images or videos under 10 MB are permitted per submission. First, Second, Third places and an Honorable Mention will be selected by our guest Juror, Tiffany Thompson, Associate Director of Gender and Sexuality Initiatives, and Program Manager for the Women's Resource Center.
First Place: $100 Amazon Gift Card
Second Place: $50 Amazon Gift Card
Third Place: $25 Amazon Gift Card
Honorable Mention
Submission Deadline is March 31st. Click here to submit.
Submissions will be posted on our Instagram feed and website.
Submissions must be the original content of the submitting student. Submissions containing copyrighted material, offensive language, or hate speech will not be accepted. Questions about acceptable content can be sent to the Makerspace Manager, Jacquie Tull, at