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Student Club and Organization Resources

General Club Information and Resources

Treasurer Handbook - Treasurers and other leaders who assume financial responsibilities for their clubs and organizations are responsible for being in compliance with all College purchasing rules and regulations. The Treasurer Handbook is a useful guide for many of the financial transactions that you may face as a treasurer. Direct questions to or stop by the OSE during normal business hours. 

Club and Organization Resource Manual - The Office of Student Engagement (OSE) coordinated a Student Club and Organization Resource Manual for use by clubs and organizations for this 2024-2025 academic year. The manual centralizes many of the questions that you may have as you are engaging in club and organization activities. In the manual, you will find established institutional policies that pertain to clubs and organizations, as well as internal processes developed by OSE to better assist clubs and organizations. This manual is designed with the knowledge that OSE is a partner in the engagement and learning that occurs in your clubs and organizations. Please note that this manual is a live document which may be updated in the coming weeks and semesters as we work to include additional information that may be helpful to student clubs and organizations.

Club Training - Each year, all student club and organization treasurers and other club leaders who engage in treasurer activities must complete a club training before spending funds. Club training is led by Office of Student Engagement (OSE) staff members.  Please monitor your emails for additional information from OSE on club training sessions. If your organization transitions to a new treasurer, they must go through the club training. Direct questions to

Purchasing Appointments - Purchasing appointments can be scheduled by going to and selecting a time to come to OSE and talk with staff members as well as use a staff member's purchasing card to make purchases on behalf of your club or organization. SBC-approved funds must be available in the club or organization's budget for the purchase. Appointments must be made at least 48 hours in advance and can be canceled or rescheduled through Club sports should contact Max Miller regarding purchases.

Please note: Only members who have gone through club training with OSE and signed a Student Activities Financial Policies Agreement are able to make purchases on behalf of their student club or organization. 

Club Advising with OSE staff - Club members can meet with OSE staff members to discuss processes involving club travel, planning club events, contract requirements, and purchasing. Please send an email to detailing your plans for your club and the appropriate staff member will email you to set up a meeting.

Non-Discrimination Agreement - Each year all chartered student organizations must review and attest to Swarthmore College's non-discrimination and equal opportunity polices . The Executive Board members are required to review and attest these policies each school year at the beginning of the fall semester.  Once OSE receives attestation from leadership, the student club will be eligible to spend their SBC-allocated funds.  Please monitor your emails for additional information from OSE regarding the College's non-discrimination and equal opportunity policies.