Intent to Live Off-Campus
Rising Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors have the option to live in non-College owned housing for the upcoming academic year. If you are an enrolled, on-campus student, who is planning to live in non-College owned housing, you must give formal notice to the Office of Student Engagement prior the Spring Housing Lottery or December Lottery. The Intent to Live Off-Campus Application is located on the Housing Portal located in MySwarthmore in the Student Menu, and will be available prior to the Spring and December housing lotteries for the following semester.
Please note that Swarthmore College does not provide housing services for off-campus students. For example, the College does not provide furniture, telecommunications linkages, transportation, or mediate disputes with landlords. If you are interested in participating in the college board plan, you can indicate that on the form. If you have more information regarding meal plans, please contact the Onecard Office.
Students who are currently living off-campus:
If you currently live off-campus and wish to remain off-campus for the following academic year, you MUST complete a new application in the Housing Portal. This is in order to ensure that all of your contact information, addresses, and meal plan selection is accurate for the academic year.