Off-Campus Study

Student Off-Campus Study Photos. By number: 1. Sydnie Schwarz '20, San Luís Potosí, Mexico through a GPLASC Grant 2. Sofia Cabrera '20, The School of Field Studies Biodiversity and Development in the Amazon 3. Emma Morgan-Bennett ‘20, IFSA-Merida Universities Program, Mexico 4. Lillian Fornof '20, Rhearsing Change, Ecuador 5. Keyanna Ortiz-Cedeño ‘20, SIT Study Abroad/IHP Cities in the 21st Century: People, Planning, and Politics (Spring), Brazil
Study Abroad or Other Immersive Learning Experience
The Latin American and Latino Studies Program (LALS) encourages students to seek opportunities outside of Swarthmore to engage with the community in Latin America, the Hispanic Caribbean or the Latinx communities in the U.S. By extending learning beyond the traditional classroom, students have distinctive opportunities for enriching intellectual experiences and unique opportunities for personal growth.
Requirement for minors, special majors, and Honors minor
Students are required to spend at least one semester engaging in an immersive experience off campus.
Students who cannot fulfill this requirement should talk to the program coordinator. This requirement may be waived in special circumstances.
Students on financial aid may apply that aid to designated programs of study abroad. Consult with the Global Engagement Office for details. An updated record of programs approved by Swarthmore's Global Engagement Office can be found using their search tool.
The immersive experience may take one of two forms:
- either studying abroad in a program approved by both the Latin American and Latino Studies Committee and the Global Engagement Office
- or completing an internship or community service project in Latin America or in a Latinx community in the U.S. This option must be approved by the Latin American and Latino Studies coordinator.
Students may apply up to two courses from work taken abroad in Latin America to their Latin American and Latino Studies academic program. Programs and courses must be pre-approved by LALS program coordinator. Students are encouraged to take courses that do not duplicate those offered at Swarthmore.
Courses taken abroad must have a clear Latin American focus.
Study abroad must be pursued in Spanish or Portuguese. Students must complete Spanish 004, or its equivalent, before going abroad. Native or fluent speakers of Spanish or Portuguese should consult with the coordinator since you might be able to go abroad without fulfilling this language requirement.
Language courses are not eligible for study abroad credit.
Students are strongly encouraged to complete the introductory course requirement prior to their immersive off-campus learning experience. This means one of the following courses: HIST 004, POLS 057, or SPAN 012.
Approved Programs in Latin America
Buenos Aires
- CASA-Chile: Santiago (Harvard University)
- IFSA-Butler Chilean Universities Program, Santiago
- Middlebury School in Chile
- Tufts in Chile
- IFSA-Butler Costa Rica Study Abroad Program at Universidad Nacional
- Pitzer College in Costa Rica
- ICADS – Costa Rica