Dominicans in the United States: Origin, Challenges, and Perspectives

A Lecture by Ramona Hernández, Director CUNY Dominican Studies Institute and Professor of Sociology
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
4:30 p.m.
Scheuer Room, Kohlberg Hall
Dr. Hernández will present a comparative, socio-historical analysis of Dominican migration to the United States over the course of the last two centuries, beginning with some of the first recorded arrivals in the 19th century through Ellis Island and culminating with the contemporary mass immigration of Dominicans to the United States in the 1980s.
A distinguished public intellectual, Dr.Hernández has recently lectured in the University of Paris-Sobornne and the Ibero-American Institute in Berlin. She serves on various editorial boards including Latino Studies Journal and Encyclopedia Latina, History, Culture, and Society, and is Trustee of the Sociological Initiatives Foundation and Instituto de Altos Estudios de Ciencias Sociales (Santo Domingo, DR).