Placement - プレースメント

Students wishing to take Introduction to Japanese (1st Year Japanese) do not need to take the placement test-- simply register for the course (both a M-W-F drill section and a T-Th lecture section).
The first part of the placement exams will be given online before Orientation. There will be a follow-up exam during Orientation focusing on writing and oral proficiency. Upperclassmen who will not be on campus during freshman and transfer student orientation (the week before classes begin) should contact Prof. Bundschuh ( and the instructor in charge of the course into which you hope to place to schedule an exam.
Please complete the following survey about previous Japanese experience/language study by mid-August. The Japanese section will be in touch with a link to the placement exam and further information.
Here are review sheets for the first two years of Japanese at Swarthmore, for reference.
Review of First Year Japanese (for students taking the Second Year placement exam).
Review of Second Year Japanese (for students taking the Third Year placement exam).