
Language study
- Japan Foundation L.A. useful links for students and teachers
- Japanese Language Proficiency Test
- (Japanese news text reading assistant)
Tadoku (books at all levels for language study and enjoyment)
Hirogaru (topics-based intermediate language study site)
hiragana megane (this site can add hiragana readings to the kanji on any Japanese website)
Resources — Academic
Resources — General Interest
- Japan Video Topics
- Matcha (short articles about Japanese travel and culture in easy Japanese)
Shousetsu-ka ni narou (online novels)
Animelon (anime with English subtitles)
Tofugu (articles on Japan and Japanese language, and links and reviews of Japanese language learning resources)
Job related
- Career Forum (Job info for Japanese-English bilinguals, sponsors job fairs in Boston, NY, L.A., and Tokyo)
- JET Program (Assistant Language Teacher and Coordinator for International Relations positions in Japan)
- NHK News Web Easy やさしい日本語で書いたニュース
- Asahi (English)
- Asahi (Japanese)
- Japan Times (English)
- NHK news (in Japanese, includes video)
- TBS news (in Japanese, includes video)
- ANN news (in Japanese, includes video)
- Metropolis (Online Entertainment Magazine and Tokyo Classifieds, in English)
- The Rising Wasabi (satirical news site)