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Image of a billboard with the text and logo of the World Trade Organization against a blue sky

International Trade and the WTO in the Trump Era

Label: Global Conversations
February 28th
11:15 AM - 12:30 PM
Kohlberg 116

International trade has always been controversial, creating winners and losers, supporters and opponents. Nevertheless, the decade since the election of Donald Trump has been the most turbulent since the global trade regime of the World Trade Organization (WTO) was established after World War II. In this lecture, we examine how U.S. trade policy has changed in recent years and what it means for global trade, focusing on the multiple shocks ushered in during the first presidency of Donald J. Trump.

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text of book talk event description

A Conversation with Lei Ouyang, Marié Abe, Shalini Ayyagari, Steven Hopkins and Deborah Wong

September 8, 2023 
Swarthmore College, Inn at Swarthmore
10 S Chester Road, Swarthmore, PA

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Sponsored by the Aydelotte Foundation & co-sponsored by Asian Studies, Global Studies, Music, Sociology and Anthropology, and the Advancement Office at Swarthmore College


Documentary Screening & Workshops

Photo of Amelie Essesse

Amélie Esséssé, earthen architect/conservationist and film director

Swarthmore College and the William J. Cooper Foundation with Engineering / French and Francophone Studies / Global Studies welcome Amélie Esséssé, earthen architect/conservationist and film director to campus.  


Documentary Screening
Women Builders and the Earthen Architectural Heritage of Central and West Africa (30 min)
Wednesday, November 30, 2022  at 7:00pm, followed immediately by a Q&A with director, Amélie Esséssé
Singer Hall 033 

Free & Open to the Public

Hands-on Conservation and Decoration Workshops
Ecological Traditional Earthen Architecture of Central and West Africa
Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 9:30am and 3:00pm, and Friday, December 2, 2022 at 1:00pm
High-Bay Singer Hall (first floor)


All members of the Swarthmore College community are welcome to join. Registration required. Please follow this link to register.


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