Spring 2025
ANCH 032. The Roman Republic
- Eligible for GLBL-Paired
ANTH 044. Gender, Sexuality, and Social Change
- Eligible for PEAC, GSST, INTP, GLBL- Core, ESCH
ANTH 049B. Comparative Perspectives on the Body
- Eligible for GSST, INTP, ESCH, GLBL-Core
ANTH 133. Anthropology of Biomedicine
- Eligible for GLBL-core
ARTH 026. Painting, Chemistry and Conservation
- Eligible for GLBL-Core
ARTH 048. 20th Century Latin American Art
- Eligible for LALS, GLBL-paired
ARTH 073. Global History of Architecture: 1800-Present
- Eligible for GLBL-core
ASAM 047B. Asian American War Literature
BIOL 137. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
- Eligible for ENVS, GLBL-core
DANC 022. Ballet and Modern Dance in Europe and the USA, 1789-1960
- Eligible for GLBL-Paired
ECON 051. International Trade and Finance
- Eligible for ASIA ,PEAC, GLBL-core
ECON 055. Behavioral Economics
- Eligible for GLBL-Core
ECON 074. Economics of the Family
- Eligible for GLBL-Paired, GSST
ECON 075. Health Economics
- Eligible for GLBL-Paired
ECON 151. International Trade
- Eligible for ASIA, PEAC, GLBL Core
ENGL 047B. Asian American War Literature
- Eligible for ASIA, CPLT, GLBL-Paired, PEAC.
ENGL 072. Global Modernisms: Anticolonial Modernism
- Eligible for GLBL-core
ENGL 079P. Sanctuary.
- Eligible for ESCH. PEAC. GLBL-paired.
ENGL 121. Modernism and Forgetting
- Eligible for INTP, GLBL-Core
ENGR 010. Fundamentals of Food Engineering
- Eligible for GLBL - Core.
ENVS 042. Ecofeminism(s)
- Eligible for CBL, ENVS, ESCH, GLBL - Core, GSST, INTP
ENVS 089B. President's Sustainability Research Fellowship
- Eligible for ENVS, ESCH, GLBL-paired.
HIST 002A. War, Religion, Revolution: Europe, 1096-1789
- Eligible for MDST. Concentrations: Culture and Identity, Empires and Nations
HIST 003B. Modern Europe, 1918 to the Present: Hot Wars, Cold Wars, Culture Wars
- Eligible for GMST, GLBL-Paired. Concentrations: Domination and Resistance, Empires and Nations
HIST 149. Reform and Revolutions in Modern Latin America
- Eligible for GLBL-Paired, LALS, PEAC. Concentrations: Culture and Identity, Domination and Resistance
LING 026. Sociolinguistics of Creole Languages (LCS)
- Eligible for AFST at BMC and HAV, BLST, ESCH, GLBL, LALS
LING 031. Modality in Language: Comparisons of sign and spoken languages
- Eligible for GLBL-paired. INTP.
LING 042. Voices of the Silk Road: Languages, Societies, and Cultural Exchange in Central Asia
- Eligible for ASIA, GLBL-paired, MDST.
LING 073. Computational Linguistics
- Eligible for ASIA, COGS, ESCH, GLBL-core.
MUSI 006C. Choral Catalysts: Vocal Music That Affected Change
MUSI 009B. Music as Oral Tradition
- Eligible for GLBL - Paired, Lang Engaged Scholarship, BLST
PEAC 042. Human Rights Law and Advocacy
- Eligible for GLBL-core, ESCH
PEAC 043. Gender, Sexuality, and Social Change
- Eligible for PEAC, GSST, INTP, GLBL- Core, ESCH
PHIL 035. Environmental Ethics
- Eligible for ENVS, ESCH, GLBL-core
PHYS 001C. Climate Change: Science and Responses
- Eligible for ENVS, GLBL-Core, ESCH
POLS 003. Politics Across the World (CP)
- Eligible for GLBL-Core
POLS 004. Introduction to International Relations (IR)
- Eligible for GLBL-Core, PEAC
POLS 035. Democracy and Dictatorship (CP)
- Eligible for GLBL-Core
POLS 045. Disaster Politics and Policies (CP)
- Eligible for ENVS, GLBL-Core
POLS 109. Comparative Politics: Latin America (CP)
- Eligible for LALS, GLBL-Paired
RELG 008. Patterns of Asian Religions
- Eligible for ASIA, GLBL-Paired, ASAM
RELG 034. Partitions: Religions, Politics, and Gender in South Asia Through the Novel
- Eligible for ASIA, GLBL-Paired, PEAC, ASAM
SOCI 035D. Capitalism and Migration
- Eligible for ESCH, LALS, GLBL-core
Fall 2025
ANTH 023C. Anthropological Perspectives on Conservation
- Eligible for BLST, ENVS, GLBL- core
ANTH 043E. Culture, Health, Illness
- Eligible for ENVS, ESCH, GLBL - Core
ARTH 002. Cave Painting to the Sistine Ceiling
- Eligible for MDST, GLBL-Paired
ARTH 046. Socially Engaged Art in the Americas
- Eligible for ESCH, PEAC, GLBL-paired, LALS
ARTH 094. Transnational Modernisms
- Eligible for GLBL-core
BIOL 034. Evolution
- Eligible for ENVS, GLBL-Core
BIOL 036. Ecology
- Eligible for ENVS, GLBL-Core, ESCH
CPLT 021. Performance in Early Modern Europe
- Eligible for FRST, GLBL-paired
DANC 021. Performance in Early Modern Europe
- Eligible for GLBL-paired, FRST
ECON 082. Political Economy of Africa
- Eligible for BLST, PEAC, GLBL-Paired
ENGL 047A. Asian American Literature and Culture
- Eligible for ASIA, CPLT, GLBL-paired.
ENVS 035. Environmental Justice: Ethnography, Politics, Action
- Eligible for ENVS, ESCH, PEAC, GLBL-core
FREN 015. Advanced French II: La France et le monde francophone contemporain (W course)
- Eligible for GLBL-Paired
GLBL 015. Introduction to Global Studies
GMST 020. Topics in German Studies I
- Eligible for GLBL-Paired
HIST 025. Colonialism and Nationalism in the Middle East
- Eligible for GLBL-paired, INTP, ISLM. Method/Theory. Concentrations: Empires and Nations
HIST 030. Glory Days? Western Europe's Postwar 1945-1975
- Eligible for Concentrations: Culture and Identity, Empires and Nations
HIST 038. Angels of Death: Life under Lenin and Stalin
- Eligible for GLBL-paired. Concentrations: Domination and Resistance
HIST 060. Nature, Art, and the Science of Power in Mughal India and Renaissance Europe
- Eligible for ASIA, GLBL-Paired. Concentrations: Empires and Nations, Migration, Diaspora, and Space
HIST 067. Digging Through the National Security Archive: South American "Dirty Wars" and the United States' Involvement
- Eligible for LALS, PEAC. Method/Theory. Concentrations: Domination and Resistance; Empires and Nations
HIST 126. Internationalism, Supranationalism, and Transnationalism in Modern Europe
- Eligible for GLBL - Paired. Concentrations: Empires and Nations
LING 002. First-Year Seminar: Taboo (W)
- Eligible for Interpretation Theory and Global Studies.
LING 061. Structure of Navajo
- Eligible for ESCH.
MUSI 008B. Music, Race and Class
- Eligible for PEAC, BLST, GLBL-Core, ASAM
PEAC 030. War and Violence in Lived Experience.
- Eligible for GLBL-paired.
PEAC 038. Civil Wars & Neoliberal Peace in Central America
- Eligible for LALS, PEAC, ESCH, GLBL-paired.
PEAC 045. Peace and Conflict in Latin America.
- Eligible for GLBL-paired; LALS.
PHIL 039. Existentialism
- Eligible for INTP, GLBL-Paired
POLS 003. Politics Across the World (CP)
- Eligible for GLBL-Core
POLS 004. Introduction to International Relations (IR)
- Eligible for GLBL-Core, PEAC
POLS 048. The Politics of Population (CP)
- Eligible for ENVS, GLBL-Core, ESCH
POLS 056. Patterns of Asian Development (CP)
- Eligible for ASIA, GLBL-Paired
POLS 075. International Politics: Special Topics: The Causes of War
- Eligible for PEAC, GLBL-core
PSYC 034. Psychology of Language
- Eligible for COGS, GLBL-core
RUSS 018. Reading the Russian Media
- Eligible for GLBL-paired.
SOAN 035. Environmental Justice: Ethnography, Politics, Action
- Eligible for ENVS, ESCH, PEAC, GLBL-core
SPAN 023. Introducción a la literatura latinoamericana
- Eligible for LALS, GLBL-Paired, ESCH, CPLT
SPAN 087. Cruzando fronteras: el cine mexicano de ayer y hoy
- Eligible for FMST, LALS, GLBL-Paired
THEA 015. Performance Theory and Practice
- Eligible for GLBL-Core
Spring 2026
ANTH 003G. First-Year Seminar: Development and its Discontents
- Eligible for BLST, ENVS, PEAC, ESCH, GLBL - Core
ANTH 044. Gender, Sexuality, and Social Change
- Eligible for PEAC, GSST, INTP, GLBL- Core, ESCH
ARAB 023. Identity and Culture in Arab Cinema
- Eligible for ISLM, GLBL - Paired
ARTH 160. Global Contemporary Art: Honors Seminar
- Eligible for GLBL - Core
ASAM 047B. Asian American War Literature
BIOL 137. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
- Eligible for ENVS, GLBL-core
DANC 004. Arts in Action
- Eligible for PEAC, ESCH, GLBL-core
ECON 051. International Trade and Finance
- Eligible for ASIA ,PEAC, GLBL-core
ECON 055. Behavioral Economics
- Eligible for GLBL-Core
ECON 151. International Trade
- Eligible for ASIA, PEAC, GLBL Core
ENGL 047B. Asian American War Literature
- Eligible for ASIA, CPLT, GLBL-Paired, PEAC.
ENGL 072. Global Modernisms: Anticolonial Modernism
- Eligible for GLBL-core
ENGL 089. Race, Gender, Class and Environment
- Eligible for BLST, ENVS, ESCH, GSST, GLBL-core
ENGR 010. Fundamentals of Food Engineering
- Eligible for GLBL - Core.
ENVS 043. Race, Gender, Class, and the Environment
- Eligible for BLST, ENVS, ESCH, GLBL - Core, GSST
FMST 058. Film and Place: West African Filmmakers at Home and Abroad
- Eligible for BLST, GLBL-paired.
FREN 015. Advanced French II: La France et le monde francophone contemporain (W course)
- Eligible for GLBL-Paired
FREN 045D. Le monde francophone: Cinémas africains
- Eligible for BLST, FMST, GLBL-paired
GMST 009. FYS: Finding Refuge (W)
- Eligible for CPLT, GLBL-paired, PEAC
HIST 004. Latin American History
- Eligible for LALS, GLBL-paired. Concentrations: Capitalism, Empires and Nations
HIST 006B. The Modern Middle East
- Eligible for ISLM, GLBL-Paired. Concentrations: Domination and Resistance, Empires and Nations
HIST 007B. Black Atlantic History 2: Freedom and Anticolonial Movements
- Eligible for BLST, LALS. Concentrations: Culture and Identity, Domination and Resistance
HIST 026. Frontiers of Capitalism
- Eligible for Method/Theory. Concentrations: Capitalism, Empires and Nations
HIST 066. Making Sense of Being Sick: the Social Construction of Diseases in the Modern World
- Eligible for GLBL-core, INTP, LALS. Concentrations: Culture and Identity, Science, Medicine, and Environment
HIST 090T. African Nationalism and Postcolonialism: 1940-1980
- Eligible for BLST, GLBL-paired. Concentrations: Empires and Nations, Migration, Diaspora, and Space
JPNS 073. Transnational Japanese Literature: Diversity and Diaspora in Modern Japanese Literature
- Eligible for CPLT, ASIA, INTP, GLBL-paired.
LING 025. Sociolinguistics: Language, Culture, and Society (LCS)
- Eligible for BLST, ESCH.
LING 073. Computational Linguistics
- Eligible for ASIA, COGS, ESCH, GLBL-core.
LITR 009G. FYS: Finding Refuge (W)
- Eligible for CPLT, GLBL-paired, PEAC
LITR 026R. Russian and East European Science Fiction
- Eligible for CPLT, GLBL-paired
LITR 078F. Film and Place: West African Filmmakers at Home and Abroad
- Eligible for BLST, GLBL-paired
PEAC 043. Gender, Sexuality, and Social Change
- Eligible for PEAC, GSST, INTP, GLBL- Core, ESCH
POLS 003. Politics Across the World (CP)
- Eligible for GLBL-Core
POLS 004. Introduction to International Relations (IR)
- Eligible for GLBL-Core, PEAC
POLS 035. Democracy and Dictatorship (CP)
- Eligible for GLBL-Core
POLS 061. American Foreign Policy (IR)
- Eligible for GLBL-Paired
POLS 063. African Politics (CP)
- Eligible for BLST; GLBL-Paired; PEAC
POLS 080. Civil Wars (IR)
- Eligible for GLBL- core; GSST, PEAC
RELG 008. Patterns of Asian Religions
- Eligible for ASIA, GLBL-Paired, ASAM
RELG 027. Christian Nationalism, White Supremacy, and Antisemitism
- Eligible for GSST, PEAC, GLBL-core
RUSS 026. Russian and East European Science Fiction
- Eligible for CPLT, GLBL-Paired
SOAN 020M. Race, Gender, Class and Environment
- Eligible for ENVS, GSST, BLST, GLBL-core, ESCH
Fall 2026
ANTH 039C. Food and Culture
- Eligible for GLBL- core
ANTH 122. Urban Ethnographies (M)
- Eligible for GLBL-core
ARAB 021. Topics in Modern Arab Literature
- Eligible for ISLM, GLBL-Paired
ARTH 005. Modern Art in Europe and the United States
- Eligible for GMST, GLBL-Paired
ARTH 013. Ancient Greece and Rome
- Eligible for GLBL-Paired
BIOL 034. Evolution
- Eligible for ENVS, GLBL-Core
ECON 075. Health Economics
- Eligible for GLBL-Paired
EDUC 064. Comparative Education
- Eligible for GLBL- Core
ENGL 121. Modernism and Forgetting
- Eligible for INTP, GLBL-Core
FREN 015. Advanced French II: La France et le monde francophone contemporain (W course)
- Eligible for GLBL-Paired
GMST 020. Topics in German Studies I
- Eligible for GLBL-Paired
HIST 067T. The Pandemic of Cigarette Smoking: Habit, Addiction and Public Health in the Big Tobacco Archives
- Eligible for GLBL-paired, LALS. Method/Theory. Concentrations: Capitalism; Science, Medicine, and Environment
LITR 014R. The Russian Novel: Revolution, Terror and Resistance
- Eligible for GLBL-paired.
MUSI 005A. Music and Dance Cultures of the World
- Eligible for GLBL - Core, BLST
MUSI 022. 19th-Century Music in Europe and the U.S.
- Eligible for GLBL-Paired
PEAC 038. Civil Wars & Neoliberal Peace in Central America
- Eligible for LALS, PEAC, ESCH, GLBL-paired.
POLS 003. Politics Across the World (CP)
- Eligible for GLBL-Core
POLS 004. Introduction to International Relations (IR)
- Eligible for GLBL-Core, PEAC
POLS 066. International Political Economy (IR)
- Eligible for GLBL-core
POLS 075. International Politics: Special Topics: The Causes of War
- Eligible for PEAC, GLBL-core
POLS 081. Global Environmental Governance (IR)
- Eligible for GLBL-core; ENVS
POLS 113. International Politics: War, Peace, and Security (IR)
- Eligible for GLBL-Core
PSYC 037. Multicultural Psychology
- Eligible for GLBL-Core eligibility.
RELG 022. Religion and Ecology
- Eligible for ESCH, ENVS, PEAC, GLBL-Core
RUSS 014. The Russian Novel: Revolution, Terror and Resistance
- Eligible for GLBL-paired
SOCI 020C. Global Colorism
- Eligible for BLST, GLBL-paired, LALS
SPAN 023. Introducción a la literatura latinoamericana
- Eligible for LALS, GLBL-Paired, ESCH, CPLT
SPAN 088. Pasados desgarradores: revolución y trauma en la literatura centroamericana
- Eligible for LALS, PEAC, GLBL-Paired, CPLT
Spring 2027
ANTH 049B. Comparative Perspectives on the Body
- Eligible for GSST, INTP, ESCH, GLBL-Core
ARAB 022. Discourses of Oppression in Contemporary Arabic Fiction
- Eligible for ISLM, GLBL-Paired
ARTH 026. Painting, Chemistry and Conservation
- Eligible for GLBL-Core
ARTH 048. 20th Century Latin American Art
- Eligible for LALS, GLBL-paired
ARTH 072. Global History of Architecture: Prehistory to 1750 CE
- Eligible for GLBL- Core, MDST
ECON 055. Behavioral Economics
- Eligible for GLBL-Core
ECON 074. Economics of the Family
- Eligible for GLBL-Paired, GSST
ECON 081. Economic Development
- Eligible for ASIA, BLST, PEAC, GLBL-core
EDUC 152. Researching Immigration and Education
- Eligible for GLBL-paired, LALS.
ENGR 010. Fundamentals of Food Engineering
- Eligible for GLBL - Core.
FMST 025. Television Studies
- Eligible for DGHU, GLBL-Core
FREN 015. Advanced French II: La France et le monde francophone contemporain (W course)
- Eligible for GLBL-Paired
HIST 003B. Modern Europe, 1918 to the Present: Hot Wars, Cold Wars, Culture Wars
- Eligible for GMST, GLBL-Paired. Concentrations: Domination and Resistance, Empires and Nations
HIST 004. Latin American History
- Eligible for LALS, GLBL-paired. Concentrations: Capitalism, Empires and Nations
HIST 006B. The Modern Middle East
- Eligible for ISLM, GLBL-Paired. Concentrations: Domination and Resistance, Empires and Nations
HIST 026. Frontiers of Capitalism
- Eligible for Method/Theory. Concentrations: Capitalism, Empires and Nations
HIST 149. Reform and Revolutions in Modern Latin America
- Eligible for GLBL-Paired, LALS, PEAC. Concentrations: Culture and Identity, Domination and Resistance
MUSI 006C. Choral Catalysts: Vocal Music That Affected Change
MUSI 009B. Music as Oral Tradition
- Eligible for GLBL - Paired, Lang Engaged Scholarship, BLST
MUSI 100. Ethnomusicology Seminar
- Eligible for GLBL-core, ASAM
POLS 003. Politics Across the World (CP)
- Eligible for GLBL-Core
POLS 004. Introduction to International Relations (IR)
- Eligible for GLBL-Core, PEAC
POLS 057. Latin American Politics (CP)
- Eligible for LALS, GLBL-Paired
POLS 061. American Foreign Policy (IR)
- Eligible for GLBL-Paired
POLS 080. Civil Wars (IR)
- Eligible for GLBL- core; GSST, PEAC
RELG 008. Patterns of Asian Religions
- Eligible for ASIA, GLBL-Paired, ASAM
SPAN 012. Imágenes y contextos hispánicos
- Eligible for LALS, GLBL-Paired
SPAN 050. Afrocaribe: literatura y cultura visual
- Eligible for BLST, LALS, FMST, GLBL-Paired
SPAN 087. Cruzando fronteras: el cine mexicano de ayer y hoy
- Eligible for FMST, LALS, GLBL-Paired
THEA 015. Performance Theory and Practice
- Eligible for GLBL-Core