Global Engagement at Swarthmore

Photo credit: Shana Herman '19 (New Zealand, HECUA, spring 2018)
Whether you just got back from studying abroad, or are pondering your next international move, remember that you don't have to leave campus to go global! Swarthmore offers many different ways for you to connect with other cultures, take globally-themed coursework, or engage in meaningful community-based global learning.
Global Studies
The Global Studies Program brings together courses across the curriculum that focus on, or provide means to, understanding and analyzing: global processes, systems, and phenomena, the relationship between the local and the global, and trans-border connections between people and events. Every semester they also gather a list of all globally-themed coursework at Swarthmore - check it out!
The Lang Center
The Lang Center for Civic&Social Responsibility supports faculty, students, and staff interested in issues of social justice and social action with advice and guidance, space for meetings and events, transportation resources, as well as funding for entrepreneurial projects, non-profit social justice internships, and public scholarship curricular design. The Lang Center encourages faculty, staff, and students to be involved with surrounding communities both locally and globally, for mutual benefit and reciprocally enriching relationships.
Intercultural Center
The Hormel-Ngyuen Intercultural Center provides programs and services that support the personal and intellectual development of Asian American, LatinX, Multiracial, Native American, Queer (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender), low-income, international, students with disabilities and first-generation, college students at Swarthmore College. In addition, the IC promotes systemic change toward a multicultural perspective across the institution, and fosters community-building and collaboration among diverse groups both within and outside of the college.