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Campus Construction Highlights

Our campus is in the midst of a transformative period. Our community is laying the groundwork for spaces and infrastructure that will allow us to live into our mission to educate the whole person and steward our resources toward a more sustainable future. 

As you walk the grounds, you’ll see work underway that supports a variety of projects, from the College’s bold vision for realizing its goal of carbon neutrality by 2035, To Zero By Thirty-Five, to the transformation of Martin Hall into an interdisciplinary hub for art and technology. These exciting and necessary projects will have a wide-reaching and long-standing impact on our community. Explore the resources below to learn more about some of the most critical and innovative work happening at Swarthmore.

  • Well Drilling Starting Summer 2025

    This spring, we will begin preparing both Clothier Lawn and the lawn in front of McCabe for a second round of well drilling, which will begin this June after Alumni Weekend. Although we anticipate drilling will need to continue into the start of the fall semester, this schedule will allow for the majority of the work to take place during the summer, when campus life is slightly slower.

    Site preparations will include fence installation, topsoil stripping, water mitigation, sound mitigation, and the preservation of heritage trees in the area. Sound barriers will be placed around the entire perimeter of the drilling sites, including the sides directly facing Magill Walk, which should significantly improve the experience of walking through the area during construction.

    McCabe Library
  • Moving Through Campus

    During site preparations and eventually as wells are being drilled, there will be an impact on campus pathways throughout the area. While all ADA paths will remain open, other paths that run perpendicular to Magill Walk will be closed. To accommodate pedestrian traffic, a new temporary pathway will be put in place to facilitate access from Mertz Hall to the Dining and Community Commons during construction. 

    Dining Center Exterior