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Historic Film Request

Permission from the Communications Office is required for use of any films from the Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College. To request permission for access to the digitized film footage, please provide all of the information requested on the form below.

Contact Information
Give project description, including the way in which Swarthmore will be portrayed.
Example: time period, specific person, season or general campus scenes.
Terms and Conditions

By clicking the submit button on this form below, you and/or your company or institution agree to the following User Agreement:

I/We request permission to use historic film(s) from the Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College for the purpose specified in this agreement. I/We agree to abide by the following terms:

  1. Credit must be given to Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College and, if known, the creator of the work.
  2. Format of film credit: Film credit must acknowledge the Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College. For website use, the credit must appear either next to or directly below the image. The credit for either format should be written as Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College, unless previous permission has been received to alter the credit's structure due to space limitations.
  3. Permission is granted for one time use. To reuse a film for a project other than that described above, please re-request permission from this site or by contacting the Communications office at
  4. Permission fees to televise/publish/showcase: In most cases, no fees will be assessed for use of films when used by academic institutions, media outlets, museums or individuals, when used to promote a positive image of Swarthmore College or the Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College. Alumni may also use film footage on their websites to promote upcoming events at the College or in their private home to promote Swarthmore College or the Friends Historic Library of Swarthmore College. However, Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College reserves the right to assess a fee for use of film footage used in commercial films or for the purposes of entertainment unrelated to scholarship. Permission to televise/publish/showcase a film is contingent on the receipt of this Use Agreement form.
  5. If a historic film is used, user agrees to provide reasonable access to Swarthmore College to view the film whether by a website link, DVD copy, or similar accessible means.
  6. Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College does not claim to control the rights of reproduction for films in its collections. The production company/user assumes all responsibility for clearing reproduction rights and for any infringement of the U.S. Copyright Code.
  7. Films may be edited for creative purposes to suit a film's timeline. Special effects may be applied and graphic titles may be used over footage but may not change or distort the intention of the film footage.
  8. Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College reserves the right to refuse permission and to decline use of film footage for inappropriate use. Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College reserves the unilateral right to revoke permission for any reason and to require the requester to immediately cease and desist from use of any or all of the films provided to requester. This right may be exercised by giving notice to the requester at the address provided in this Use Agreement.
I Agree to the Terms and Conditions