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Campus Listservs

Reserved Student Digest

The Reserved Student Digest (RSD) is a great place to promote events and programs that are open to students. It goes out to all students on a daily basis, Monday through Friday, during the academic year and includes events, news, weather, menus, jobs, and more. It is managed by the student-run Swarthmore College Computer Society. Submissions to the RSD can be made by completing this form (if you are off campus you must connect to the College's VPN to access. 

Faculty-Staff Digest

The faculty-staff digest is a great tool for sharing information about College events and programs with our faculty and staff members. Information about items for sale, spaces for rent, or inquiries about products or services should be posted to the College Classifieds

New members are added to the faculty-staff digest list when they join the College. About half of our community members receive this as a daily email digest, and half receive each individual email posted to this list. 

Submissions for the following weekday’s digest should be sent to before 5 p.m.

Official Reserved Student and Official Faculty Staff Lists

The Official Student and Official Faculty Staff lists are reserved for sharing timely College news and announcements, and should be used judiciously to ensure that they remain a trusted and useful channel for relaying critical information. Posting permission is limited to campus leadership. 

Class Year Lists

As with the Official lists, Class Year lists are reserved for sharing timely College news and announcements, and intended as an avenue for sharing information that is pertinent to that particular class year. Posting is limited to faculty and staff members.