Honors Majors & Minors
The Honors Major in Chinese Studies consists of a minumum of ten (10) credits (including four honors preparations). The four preparations in an Honors Program must be drawn from at least two different disciplines. Requirements for the Honors major in Chinese essentially are the same as those for the course major, excepting the culminating exercise. An Honors Major in Chinese will consist of exams in Chinese language, literature, and culture. Work done through study abroad may be incorporated where appropriate. Students interested in the Honors program in Chinese should consult with the section head of Chinese as soon as possible.
Honors Major in Chinese Requirements
- a minimum of 9 credits in courses numbered 003B and above.
- must complete the following courses: 020, 021, 033 or equivalent; at least one course or seminar on modern Chinese literature/film in translation, and at least one course or seminar on premodern literature/culture in translation.
- study abroad in a program approved by the section is strongly recommended; transferred credits normally may be counted toward the major.
- a minimum of 6 credits of work must be completed at Swarthmore.
- honors preparations: two-credit seminar; designated pairs of courses (or one-credit attachments to designated one-credit courses); or a two-credit thesis.
- Senior Honors Study is mandatory and normally is done in the spring semester of the senior year.
- three Honors examinations: 3-hour written exam and 30-minute oral exam for each examination.
Honors Minor
- choose either an Honors minor in Chinese language or in Chinese literature in translation.
- a minimum of five credits of work in courses numbered 4B and above.
- at least one course in classical or modern literature/culture/film in translation.
- a minimum of 3 credits of work must be completed at Swarthmore.
- study abroad in a program approved by the Section is strongly recommended; transferred credits normally may be counted toward the minor.
- one honors preparations - either a two-credit seminar or a designated pair of courses (or one-credit attachments to designated one-credit courses).
- Senior Honors Study is mandatory and is normally done in the spring semester of the senior year; work is arranged on a individual basis, and candidates will have the option of receiving 0.5 credit for completion of the work.
- one Honors exam: 3-hour written exam and 30-minute oral exam.