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Register to Vote in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania

College students have the right to register to vote at the address they consider the place where they live — whether that’s their family's home or the place where they attend school. According to the PA Department of State, you can only be registered and vote in one place.

Pennsylvania voter registrations for the upcoming election must be RECEIVED by May 5, 2025.

Screenshot of video "Register to Vote in Pennsylvania"

See this short video by Lily Fournier '23 and Frannie Richardson ’23 for an animated look at how to register to vote in PA.

Follow these steps:

OPtion AOption B
You can register online by May 5, 2025. Note: some have encountered a glitch when uploading their signature.You can also download a paper application form, fill it out, sign it and mail it to the Delaware County Board of Elections so that it is RECEIVED by May 5, 2025.

If registering in Swarthmore, you MUST use your dorm name as place of residence. Listing the College's mailing address isn’t enough — there are multiple polling places that serve our campus. Where you go to vote depends on which dorm you live in. Section 5 of your online form should look like this:

Enter the name of your dorm as the second street address on the Pennsylvania voter registration form.

Note: If you live in Strath Haven, you must use "801 Yale Avenue" as your street address. Don't include your room number.

Registration Confirmation

After you register, you’ll receive a card in the mail confirming your registration, address, and designated voting location. It may take about 14 days to receive the mailing. If you don't get it within 14 days of applying, or if you have specific questions about registering, FOLLOW UP. There may be a problem with your application. You can check your PA voter registration status online or call the Delaware County Voter Registration Office at 610-891-4659.

Updating Your Swarthmore Voter Registration
If you’ve previously registered to vote in Swarthmore and have changed dorms, you may need to update your voter registration.