Driving Directions

Driving Directions to Swarthmore College
Swarthmore College is located 11 miles southwest of the city of Philadelphia in the borough of Swarthmore, Pa. The College is just a 30-minute drive from Philadelphia. New York and Washington, D.C., are about two hours away.
From the North (New Jersey Turnpike or I-95)
Take the New Jersey Turnpike to Exit 6, I-276 West/Pennsylvania Turnpike. Follow I-276 West to Exit 20, I-476 South, toward Philadelphia/Chester. Take I-476 South to Exit 3, Media/Swarthmore. At bottom of the exit ramp, follow the sign for Swarthmore by turning left onto Baltimore Pike. Continue to your destination.
From the South (I-95)
Follow I-95 North to Exit 7 (in Pennsylvania), I-476 North/Plymouth Meeting. Take I-476 to Exit 3, Media/Swarthmore. At the bottom of the exit ramp, follow the sign for Swarthmore by turning right onto Baltimore Pike. Continue to your destination.
From the East (via the Pennsylvania Turnpike)
From Exit 333, Norristown, follow signs for I-476 South. Stay on I-476 approximately 17 miles to Exit 3, Media/Swarthmore. At the bottom of the exit ramp, follow the sign for Swarthmore by turning left onto Baltimore Pike. Continue to your destination.
From the West (via the Pennsylvania Turnpike)
From Exit 326, Valley Forge, take I-76 East, Schuylkill Expressway, about 4 miles to I-476 South, Chester. Take I-476 approximately 12 miles to Exit 3, Media/Swarthmore. At the bottom of the exit ramp, follow the sign for Swarthmore by turning left onto Baltimore Pike. Continue to your destination.
From the Airport
Take I-95 South. Continue to exit 7, I-476 North/Plymouth Meeting. Take I-476 North to Exit 3, Media/Swarthmore. At bottom of the exit ramp, follow the sign for Swarthmore by turning right onto Baltimore Pike. Continue to your destination.
Rideshare Directions
When using rideshare services, the official address of Swarthmore College, “500 College Avenue,” can lead to more than one destination. Among them is the Rose Garden Circle, which is closed through January 2024 for construction.
For access to the north side of campus, including an accessible entrance to Parrish Hall, consider using 36 Whittier Place, Swarthmore, Pa. to arrive at Whittier Parking Lot. Admissions visitors should arrive 15 minutes early to walk from here to check-in at Parrish Hall. Walking directions are marked in red on our campus map.
For after-hours arrival and access closer to the south side of campus, consider using Benjamin West House, Swarthmore, Pa. This building serves as the College’s Welcome Center and is the home of the Public Safety Department, open 24/7/365.