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Submit to the TLC Newsletter

The TLC's monthly newsletter features teaching and learning highlights from around campus, upcoming TLC and partner events, accessibility information, and pedagogical resources for students, staff, and faculty. Our "Community Voices on Teaching and Learning" features highlights the many and various perspectives on teaching and learning in our community. Professors and students have contributed to this feature by responding to the prompts "I wish my students knew..." and "I wish my professors knew..." respectively. Future editions of "Community Voices on Teaching and Learning" can include anyone seeking advice from the campus community on matters related to teaching and learning or blurbs responding to prompts, such as "In my freest dreams, higher education would..." or "I used to think _, then I learned _, so now I _." 

If you're interested in contributing to the TLC newsletter, feel free to email your responses to any of the above prompts or your new idea for the newsletter to Caroline Cheung at