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Swat FLI

Supporting Our First-Gen & Low-Income Community

Department Overview

Welcome FLI Students!

The purpose of the Swat FLI (First-Gen/Low-Income) Program is to assist first-generation, low income, and undocumented/DACA students in building community, finding support, and taking advantage of college resources. The title first-generation college student means different things to different people. To promote a more inclusive definition of what it means to be "first-generation," we define first-generation broadly to include:

  • Students whose parents/guardians did not graduate from a four year institution;
  • Students with parents/guardians with some collegiate experience; and
  • Students with parents/guardians who graduated from college and universities outside the United States who have limited experience and knowledge of the college experience in the United States.

These programs aim to encourage students to explore their identity as first-generation and low-income students, and to empower them to give voice to their experiences and opinions while in the diverse and inclusive Swarthmore environment. Our goals are to build their academic confidence and to promote healthy personal development so that they can build the skills necessary to grow and thrive during their four years at Swarthmore and beyond.

The Swarthmore College community is committed to working with first-generation and low-income students. The work of the Swat FLI Initiatives are highly collaborative in nature and we welcome our campus partners to lend their expertise in support of first-generation students.

Class of 2022 FLI Seniors at the FLI Senior Celebration

Class of 2025 FLI First Years during Orientation

First-generation students, staff, and alumni take part on a panel during a reception for First in Family students.

First-generation students, staff, and alumni take part on a panel during a reception for Swat FLI students.


During a Richard Rubin Scholar Reception, Rubin Scholar Reid Prickett '17 presents on his experiences tutoring English in Spain over the summer.

People eating food and laughing

A reception for the Richard Rubin Scholars and mentors is held annually in the Science Center, allowing students, staff, and faculty to connect and share ideas in a social setting.

Class of 2022 FLI Seniors at the FLI Senior Celebration

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