Because beginning is
Because beginning is repetitive, though it seems new
Because I never trusted it before
Because it just seemed off-limits
Because it just seemed off
Because you just walked off
Because you unstuck your feet
Because your feet were stuck in a hole
Because your feet were stuck in a hole in my heart
Because your feet created a hole
Because your feet do not fit in my heart
Because your feet are maybe size eight
Because they wear stilettos
Because they leave a tiny hole
Because I cannot know you
Because I cannot stand in your heels
Because I cannot stand you
Because I cannot stand
Because I can't pay attention
Because I can't pay at
Because I can't pay
Because there is no recompense
Because your footsteps left a hole
Because your footsteps left
Because you will be an artist, I have hope
Because you will wield a paintbrush I believe
Because you will wield a paintbrush I believe you can create me
Because you can create me
Because you can create
Because you caused
Because you caused the wound
Because you wound
Because I am wound
Because I am wound too tightly
Because I cannot breathe
Because someone came by and holed my heart
Because someone came by and hold my heart
Because someone came by and heeled me
Because someone came by and healed me
Because someone came by and
Because someone
Because I cannot finish a
Because I cannot finish a
Because I cannot finish a
Because I am scared
Because I am restless
Because I am going to leave
Because I don't know if it will matter
Because I don't know if you will matter
Because I don't know if I will matter
Because I don't know if I will
Because I don't know if
Because I don't
Because I do
I do
Nora Nussbaum is a graduating senior of Swarthmore College, with an Honors major in English. She enjoys writing poems that are shaped like giraffes, as well as poems that are shaped like poems.