About Us
The Swarthmore Literary Review seeks to create a student directed venue for the work of talented Swarthmore and at-large writers. In doing so, the editors hope to foster an exchange between Swarthmore College and the greater international writing community. Over time, we aspire to expand readership, humbly hoping to foster a love of the arts throughout literary circles on our own campus and abroad.
Advisory Board
Nathalie Anderson — Professor and Head of Creative Writing Program, Department of English Literature, Swarthmore College
Peter Schmidt — Professor and Chair, Department of English Literature, Swarthmore College
Betsy Bolton — Professor, Department of English Literature, Swarthmore College
Steve Hopkins — Professor, Department of Religion, Swarthmore College
Susan Morrison '81 — Professor, Department of English Literature, Texas State University (San Marcos)
Max Gottesman '56 — Revson Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Department of Microbiology, Columbia University Medical Center
A Short History
The Swarthmore Review was founded in May 2008 by Rahul D'Silva '08, Justin diFeliciantonio '10, and Johanna Bond '10.