Climate Study Working Group 2015/16
The CSWG was comprised of faculty, staff, students, and administrators. Ultimately, Swarthmore College contracted with Rankin & Associates Consulting (R&A) to conduct a campus-wide study entitled, “Learning, Working, and Living: A Self-Study of Swarthmore College.” Swarthmore staff members participating in this working group included:
- Diane Anderson (chair), Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor, Educational Studies Department
- Katie Clark, Coordinator, Center for Innovation and Leadership
- Leonie Cohen, '16
- Betsy Durning, administrative assistant, dean's office
- Zenobia Hargust, director, Equal Opportunity and Engagement
- Keton Kakkar, '19
- Meghan Kelly '18
- Mohammed Lotif, assistant director, intercultural center
- Sheila Magee '81, gardener
- Jen Moore, administrative assistant, history
- Christi Pappert, facilities & capital projects
- Gina Patnaik, assistant professor, english literature
- Hank Robinson, environmental services
- Ben Roebuck, '17
- Peggy Seiden, college librarian
- Robin Huntington Shores, director of institutional research and assessment
- Elizabeth Vallen, professor, biology
- Robert Weinberg, professor, history
- Kaaren Williamsen, Title IX Coordinator