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Important Changes for Fall 2024

The Student Handbook is updated each summer. This year’s changes include several clarifications to the Student Code of Conduct based on our collective experience last year. They cover broad areas, such as what constitutes excessive noise; clarifications to unauthorized use of campus property, including prohibitions against encampments and building occupations; and revisions to the banners, chalking, and public displays policy. Learn more details below.

Disorderly Conduct/Excessive Noise

“Disorderly Conduct” policy:

  • Updated to more clearly define the College’s expectations and provide some specific examples;
  • Incorporated guiding language from the preexisting Academic Freedom and Responsibility policy;
  • Further explained excessive noise and provided some examples including shouting or loud chanting in enclosed spaces or in close proximity to other individuals, banging or drumming on objects, and the unauthorized use of amplified sound (bullhorns, musical instruments, speakers, or any other sound-amplifying equipment) that disrupts campus and community operations, classes, or activities; and
  • Included the Academic Freedom and Responsibility policy’s impermissible areas for protest.
Encampments, Excessive Printing, and Other Unauthorized Use of College Property

“Unauthorized Use of College Facilities or Services” policy:

  • Formerly titled “Unauthorized Use of College Resources and College Services;”
  • Clarified the prohibition of encampments and/or occupations of any College facilities, spaces, or grounds; and
  • Clarified use of College services must comply with the access privileges that have been granted, including no excessive printing.
Public Displays/Demonstrations

“Banners, Chalkings, Postering, and Other Public Displays on College Property” policy:

  • Formerly titled, “Banners, Chalkings, and Posters” policy;
  • Reiterated information from the Academic Freedom and Responsibility Policy regarding expectation associated with free expression; 
  • Clarified the requirement that “Posters need to be ‘signed’ with a recognized student organization or the individual name of a matriculated student and must also include the date of an event or posting date”; and
  • Added updated language to include a section on “Other Public Displays” on campus.
Unauthorized Access

“Failure to Comply” policy:

  • Clarified language to include that students are required to provide accurate identification by presenting their OneCard when requested.

“Unauthorized Entry or Access” policy:

  • Updated the policy to include OneCards, in addition to physical keys regarding access. 
Interim Measures

“Interim Campus Exclusion” policy:

  • Developed an Interim Campus Exclusion policy to distinguish from the existing Interim Temporary Suspension policy to address disruptive behavior that might not result in an interim suspension.

“Interim Class Exclusion” policy:

  • Developed a new Interim Class Exclusion policy to identify and address disruptive behavior in the classroom that might not result in an interim campus exclusion or suspension. 
Other Updates

Matriculated Student, defined:

  • Developed a more comprehensive description of the College’s definition of a “matriculated student” with specific examples.

“COVID-19” policy, removed:

  • In response to the evolution of COVID-19 pandemic, we removed the COVID-19 policy from the Student Code of Conduct related to infractions associated with the former Garnet Pledge. 

“Assault, Endangerment, or Infliction of Physical Harm” policy:

  • Provided some specific limited examples of prohibited physical force/contact.

“Bullying and Intimidation” policy:

  • Formerly titled, “Bullying, Intimidation, and Stalking;” and
  • Combined the definitions of Bullying and Intimidation and moved Stalking to a standalone policy.

“Medical Amnesty” policy

  • Formerly titled “Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Amnesty policy.

“Violation of College Policy”

  • Created a new policy to incorporate any other department/College policies not specifically listed in the Student Code of Conduct.

Student Conduct Process Timeline:

  • Developed a General Timeline section to give an overview of the Student Conduct process.

Student Conduct Sanctions:

  • Divided Student Conduct Sanctions into two sections:
    • Primary Sanctions, including those that may impact a change in status (Good Standing), and
    • Additional Sanctions.

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