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Student Code of Conduct: Expectations

The College places great value on freedom of expression, but it also recognizes the responsibility to protect the values and structures of an academic community. It is important, therefore, that students assume responsibility for helping to sustain an educational and social community where the rights of all are respected. This includes conforming their behavior to standards of conduct that are designed to protect the health, safety, dignity, and the rights of all. Community members also have a responsibility to protect the possessions, property, and integrity of the institution as well as of individuals. The aim of Swarthmore College’s Student Code of Conduct is to balance all these rights, responsibilities, and community values fairly.

The following is a summary and explanation of the rights, responsibilities, and shared expectations for student conduct at Swarthmore College. This statement serves as a general framework and is not intended to provide an exhaustive list of all possible community infractions. Students violating conduct expectations may be subject to a referral to the student conduct process  as well as Student Conduct Sanctions pursuant to  the student conduct process. For a complete description of the College’s student conduct process, please see the section on Student Conduct Policies and Procedures.

Conduct expectations are outlined under the following policies:

Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct is defined as a violation of the College’s standards of academic integrity whether these violations are intentional or unintentional. Academic misconduct consists of cheating on an exam, plagiarism on an academic assignment, or unauthorized collaborative work.

Evidence of academic misconduct may include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Some of the student’s work coincides with or closely paraphrases a source that is not properly acknowledged.
  • Glaring coincidences in the work of students on exams, papers, problem sets, etc., where cooperation in producing the work was not permitted.
  • Submission of the same work in more than one course. When submitting any work to an instructor for a course, it is assumed that the work was produced specifically for that course. Submission of the same work in more than one course without prior approval is prohibited.

Sources that must be acknowledged include, but are not limited to, lab manuals, books, articles in books, journal articles, and web pages, along with graphs, charts, tables, data sets, etc., in any of the sources just mentioned. Proper acknowledgment must indicate both the source and how it served as a source for any specific portions of the student’s assignment.

The informal nature of some writing may obviate the necessity of rigorously formal citation, but still requires honest attribution to original authors of all borrowed materials. Students should feel free to consult with instructors whenever there is doubt as to proper documentation.

Alcohol and Other Drugs

The overarching priority of the College with respect to alcohol and other drugs is to help ensure the safety and wellbeing of Swarthmore students and comply with all applicable laws. The College is committed to providing guidance so that students can learn to develop a responsible approach to social challenges, including those pertaining to alcohol and other drugs. Additionally, the College is especially committed to supporting students’ decision making around whether to consume alcohol, how to do so in moderation, and how to adhere with local, state, and federal laws governing alcohol consumption.

The unlawful possession, use, purchase, or distribution of alcohol on College property or as part of any College activity is prohibited. The unlawful possession, use, purchase, or distribution of illicit drugs, controlled substances (including stimulants, depressants, narcotics, or hallucinogenic drugs), or paraphernalia—or the misuse of prescription drugs, including sharing, procuring, buying, or using in a manner different from the prescribed use, or by someone other than the person for whom it was prescribed—is prohibited on College property or as part of any College activity.

Swarthmore College recognizes that there may be situations in which students would be in need of swift medical assistance for themselves or others, as a result of alcohol and/or drug use. The College expects each student to share in the safety and wellbeing of their fellow students and to seek out assistance from College officials (Public Safety, Resident Advisors, Student Affairs staff) and/or medical emergency services through 911, without fear of College disciplinary action for the consumption of alcohol and/or use of controlled substances.

Under the College’s Alcohol and Other Drug Amnesty policy, typically neither the student in need nor the student or student organization requesting assistance will be subject to disciplinary action as a result of a violation of the Alcohol and/or Drug Policy. 

Read the full policy

Assault, Endangerment, or Infliction of Physical Harm

Physical restraint, assault, contact, or any other act of violence or use of physical force against any member of the community, or any act that threatens the use of physical force is forbidden.  Inflicting bodily harm upon or using physical force against any person, including but not limited to assault, fighting, and/or restraining someone against their will is prohibited. Additionally any other unwanted physical contact, such as grabbing, kicking, smacking, shoving, or spitting constitutes a violation of this policy. Physical conduct—whether reckless or intentional—that a person knows, or which any reasonable person under the circumstances would know, places oneself or another at risk of bodily harm is subject to a referral to the student conduct process, whether or not the risk is realized.

The Senior Associate Dean of Student Life, in consultation with the Vice President for Student Affairs, will review the conduct and the circumstances in which it occurred and decide whether it falls under a minor or major adjudication, or whether to refer it to the College Judiciary Committee for adjudication. The more reckless the conduct and the greater the risk of serious bodily harm and/or the greater the actual bodily harm caused, the greater the likelihood of a severe sanction, up to and including expulsion. 

Banners, Chalkings, Postings, and Other Public Displays on College Property

As stated in the Academic Freedom and Responsibility Policy, membership in the academic community imposes on students, faculty members, administrators, and trustees an obligation to respect the dignity of others, to acknowledge their right to express differing opinions, and to foster and defend intellectual honesty, inquiry and instruction, and free expression on and off campus. These freedoms of expression extend so far as the expression does not impinge on the rights of other members of the community or the orderly and essential operations of the College. These are fundamental norms and expectations of expression for Swarthmore College. Banners, chalkings, and posters are subject to reasonable requirements on their display and may not receive authorization and will be removed when a violation of College policy occurs, when a banner, chalking, posting, or public display is inconsistent with the fundamental norms and expectations of expression for Swarthmore College, or when the requirements described in this Section are not being met. Some examples of behaviors that are inconsistent with our norms and expectations include harassment or bullying; threats, intimidation, or incitement of violence; disruption of College operations, and defamation or other unlawful invasion into the privacy of others. Additionally, students may not post an excessive number [no more than two (2)] of flyers on the same bulletin board or other approved location. Flyers may only be posted in designated spaces. All are encouraged to engage in the civil exchange of viewpoints, with the understanding that even where we disagree, we can still recognize that we are all valued members of the Swarthmore College community.

In addition to upholding the norms, expectations and requirements described in this Section, the College reserves its right to restrict or limit the format, location and duration of any display in order to preserve the operations of the College and to protect the safety and well-being of the Swarthmore College community.

See also the Disorderly Conduct policy within the Student Code of Conduct.

Banners. For purposes of this policy, Banners are any physical cloth or material containing images, designs and/or words or other alphanumeric characters. Banners may only be displayed on Clothier Hall’s facade facing Parrish Beach, in Cosby Courtyard, or in the designated areas within Sharples Commons and Dining Center, upon prior written approval by the Office of Student Engagement. Banners displayed without appropriate prior authorization or displayed in any unauthorized location, including on or in other College buildings, will be removed. The standard maximum duration for banner display is one (1) week; groups and student organizations are limited to one (1) banner reservation per month. Priority is given to student organizations or community-wide events and staff initiatives (e.g., Winter Formal, Large-Scale Event, etc.). 

Banners need to be “signed” with a recognized student organization or the individual name of a matriculated student. No mentions or images of alcohol are allowed. Banners must be no more than 8-feet wide and no more than 5-feet tall. If planning to hang the banner outside, they should be made of vinyl or durable plastic or color-fast printed/painted fabric (hemmed); grommets should be present on the banner corners to ensure secure attachment to the wall; and a few short slits should be cut in the banner to inhibit the wind from catching and ripping the material. 

Requests for banner space must be made to the Office of Student Engagement five (5) business days in advance of the requested starting display date. All banners must be reviewed by the Office of Student Engagement prior to installation. Students acknowledge that a banner is at risk of being stolen, and the College is not responsible for such loss or damage. External advertisements and solicitations of a commercial nature are prohibited.

For banners in Sharples Commons and Dining Center, once approved, students may hang their banner using only tape or string. Affixing with nails, hooks, or tacks is prohibited. Students are responsible for removing their banner after the five-day display period. Failure to remove a banner could result in banner disposal.

For banners hung on Clothier or in Cosby Courtyard, once approved, students must deliver their banner to OSE within two (2) days prior to the requested date for it to be hung. OSE coordinates with Facilities to ensure their banner is properly hung and in accordance with the schedule. Installations will not occur on weekends and are subject to the availability of staff. During the first two (2) weeks of each semester and move-out periods, staff are not available to hang student banners.  Banners will be removed on Monday mornings, and students must retrieve their banner from facilities no later than noon the following day. Failure to do so could result in banner disposal.

Banners that violate any of these rules will be removed by College staff.

Chalkings. Chalkings are permitted only on paved, outdoor walkways that are open to the rain. Walkways under porches or archways and vertical surfaces may not be used, and such chalkings will be removed. Additionally, chalkings that may constitute a violation of College policy may be removed, regardless of location. Science Center outdoor blackboards are meant for dynamic use while members of the community are present, and are to be erased once community members disperse. Questions about particular chalkings or postings should be directed to the Office of Student Engagement.

Posters. All postings of any kind, including advertisements, announcements, flyers, and notices, may only be posted or displayed at pre-approved posting locations.

Pre-approved posting locations include the post office bulletin boards, residence hall bulletin boards designated for public postings, Sharples Commons bulletin boards and tabling, the bulletin boards near Parrish parlors, Shane Lounge, outside Kohlberg coffee bar, Science Center cafe, and Clothier Hall, and academic buildings designated for public posting. Masking, painter’s tape, or tacks on bulletin boards, is approved for use for securing the posters. No other form of adhesive or hardware, such as glue/wheatpaste/liquid adhesive, nails, screws, or duct tape is allowed without prior authorization from the Office of Student Engagement. Posters are not authorized  in any other location on College grounds, including but not limited to light posts, trash bins, tables, building exteriors, walls, floors, ceilings, doors, windows, walkways, bike racks, handrails, stairs,  trees, plants, lawns and any other outdoor green spaces. Posters may not be placed on the assigned bulletin boards of any group or department without permission from the group or department.

Posters need to be “signed” with a recognized student organization or the individual name of a matriculated student and must also include the date of an event or posting date. Postings that are not advertising a specific event are permitted for a duration of one (1) week. No mentions or images of alcohol are allowed. Additionally, posters that may constitute a violation of College policy will be removed, regardless of location. To help ensure availability for all community members, posters need to typically be either 8 ½ x 11 or 11 x 17 inches, students are prohibited from posting an excessive amount [no more than two (2) of the same poster] can be posted on any given bulletin board at one time. Additionally, students are prohibited from covering or removing flyers that are current. Expired posters/flyers may be removed from public boards by any community member to make room for new posters/flyersPosters that violate any of these rules may be removed by any College staff or faculty, in consultation with the Division of Student Affairs. In addition to other possible sanctions under the Student Code of conduct, the individual or group may be fined or held financially responsible and required to pay restitution for any damages.

Other Public Displays. Other public displays of any kind, including but not limited to signage, electronic displays, projections, installations, exhibits, and structures, on any College property must receive prior authorization from an appropriate College official. For guidance regarding requests, students should contact the Office of Student Engagement at least five (5) business days in advance of the requested starting display date. Depending on the circumstances, OSE may need to consult with other College personnel, departments, and/or committees when considering a request. Unless otherwise allowed pursuant to this section, “Banners, Chalkings, Postings, and Other Public Displays on College Property", public displays that are placed on any campus properties or areas – including but not limited to the sides of buildings, sidewalks, roofs, landscapes, etc. are strictly prohibited without prior authorization. 

Bullying and Intimidation

Bullying and Intimidation include any electronic, written, verbal, or physical act or a series of acts (which includes, but is not limited to, e-mail, text messaging, and internet posting on web-sites or other social media) that is intended to cause, or any reasonable person should know would cause, physical or substantial emotional harm to another person or group. Bullying and Intimidation may include emotional domination, harassment, ridicule, degradation, or humiliation. It may not only cause a negative and harassing effect on individuals targeted, but also others who observe the conduct. Bullying and Intimidation  is conduct that is severe, persistent, or pervasive and has the effect of any of the following:

(i) substantially interfering with a community member’s education, employment, or full enjoyment of the college;

(ii) creating a threatening or intimidating College environment that reasonably leads the person(s) and/or the group to have a substantial fear for their wellbeing, whether physical, emotional or otherwise;

(iii) substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the College; or

(iv) creating a risk to the health, well-being, or safety of individuals.

Bullying and Intimidation are prohibited, and participating in such acts will result in a referral to the student conduct process.

Discrimination, including Harassment, Based on a Protected Class

Discrimination, of any kind, including harassment, based on a protected class is defined as unwelcome conduct (including any gesture, written, verbal or physical act), or any electronic communication (which includes, but is not limited to, e-mail, text messaging, and internet posting on web-sites or other social media) that is based on an individual’s sex, race, color, age, religion, national or ethnic origin (including shared ancestry), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, marital status, medical condition, veteran status, disability, or any other legally protected classification, that is subjectively and objectively offensive and so severe or pervasive that it limits or denies a person’s ability to participate in or benefit from the educational program or activities, or that creates a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive.

This type of discrimination can occur in any form and can be directed at individuals or groups. Depending on the severity of the circumstances, infractions may be resolved through a variety of methods ranging from informal, remedial and/or restorative steps, such as community information and education, counseling, or mediation, and up to and including formal College action, which may include but is not limited to investigation, temporary suspension, and sanctions/outcomes up to and including suspension or expulsion. 

Students should be aware that not all expressive conduct is compliant with the College’s expectations and policies as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Any speech or act that targets, harasses, or threatens any individuals or groups is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to: sharing the real-time location of individuals or groups with the intent to cause psychological or physical harm, doxing or revealing information that should reasonably be kept private, and other targeted and unwelcome conduct. Such speech includes all forms of communication, including but not limited to: face to face communication, written communication, electronic communication, and communication via social media accounts (whether personal or belonging to student groups). When harassment of this nature is exhibited toward protected classes, the behavior may also be subject to additional policy violations and procedures. 

In all cases, the College encourages individuals to seek support and assistance as soon as possible. The College’s Notice of Nondiscrimination expressly prohibits discrimination. Any person subjected to discrimination, including harassment on the basis of a protected classification as described above, should consult with the College’s Equal Opportunity Officer for guidance, supportive measures and resolution under applicable policy.

The College’s Title IX and College-Defined Sexual Misconduct Policy specifically prohibits all forms of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, indecent exposure, intimate-partner violence, dating violence, and domestic violence, retaliation, stalking, and other misconduct that is sex or gender based, or in the context of an intimate partner relationship including: bullying and intimidation, stalking, physical assault, and discrimination. The full policy can be found at

Any person subjected to sexual misconduct in any form, the person should consult with the Title IX coordinator for guidance, supportive measures, and resolution of sex or gender based complaints under the Title IX and College-Defined Sexual Misconduct Policy.

Disorderly Conduct

As stated in the Academic Freedom and Responsibility policy, it is a violation of the norms of this academic community for anyone to prevent the conduct of College business, including lectures, meetings, events (such as admissions tours or job interviews), ceremonies, or other necessary business and community functions. Demonstrations and other forms of protests are permissible, except in the following locations: classrooms, offices, libraries, dining halls (including cafes), Worth Health Center, residence hall rooms, and lecture halls. These restrictions are intended to ensure that the normal work, teaching/learning, residential experiences, and services of the College can continue. Students who disrupt the functions of the College, including violating the rights of community members and invited speakers to speak, may be subject to the student conduct process.

Students at Swarthmore College have the right to responsibly express their views, feelings, and beliefs inside and outside the classroom and to support causes publicly, including by demonstrations and other means. However, students should be aware that not all forms of expressive conduct are compliant with the College’s expectations and policies as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Any speech or act that disrupts college activities or that targets, harasses, or threatens any individuals or groups may be subject to the student conduct process.

Freedoms of expression extend so long as expression does not impinge on the rights of other members of the community or the orderly and/or essential operations of the College. In light of these principles and expectations, disorderly conduct is not permitted.

Disorderly conduct is a violation that prevents the orderly operation of the College. Examples of prohibited conduct under this section include, but are not limited to:

  1. Excessive noise, which interferes with or limits access to classes, College offices, residence hall neighbors, or other campus and community operations or activities. Some limited examples of excessive noise include shouting or loud chanting in enclosed spaces or in close proximity to other individuals, banging or drumming on objects, and the unauthorized use of amplified sound (bullhorns, musical instruments, speakers, or any other sound-amplifying equipment) that disrupts campus and community operations, classes, or activities;

  2. Encampments on and occupation of any College facilities, spaces or grounds;
  3. Unauthorized entry into or demonstrations in private work areas, office suites, classes, closed meetings, or closed spaces;

  4. Conduct that restricts or prevents faculty, staff, students, or student employees from performing their duties, including interruption of meetings, classes, or events;
  5. Failure to maintain clear passage into or out of any College building, passageway, and/or work space;

  6. Conducting a protest in impermissible areas, which are classrooms, offices, libraries, dining halls (including cafes), Worth Health Center, residence hall rooms, and lecture halls;
  7. Failure to disperse after being told to vacate a College location by a College official or when a building, office, or campus space is closed; 

  8. Other conduct that disrupts the normal operations of the College, such as lectures, presentations, meetings, events (such as admissions tours or job interviews), ceremonies, or other necessary business and community functions; and/or

  9. Any other action(s) that result in unreasonable interference with the learning/working environment or the rights of others.

When conduct of this nature is exhibited, the conduct may also be subject to other policy violations and procedures.

The use of College spaces must comply with the College policy and space reservation protocols. For assistance about requirements, students should contact the Office of Student Engagement and Events Management.

Social Events on Campus

The College defines an event as an academic, intellectual, cultural, and/or social gathering, hosted by students or a student organization, in or on campus property. Events may be “open” to a designated population (i.e. the entire campus community or only enrolled students) or may be “closed” or private events, which are held for a smaller group of students and/or members of an organization. Student events are not open to the general public without approval from either the Events Management Team, or a member of the sponsoring College office.

Student events can be categorized as either large open events, social gatherings without alcohol, or social gatherings with alcohol. All events must follow the below guidelines and policies.

Typically, guest(s) of enrolled students are permitted at campus events; student hosts are responsible for the conduct of their guests on campus and will be held accountable for any violation of the Student Code of Conduct or other rules of the College committed by a guest. Guests will be asked to sign in for large scale events on campus for safety needs. Guests must stay with their hosts for the entire duration of the event. Each host is able to check in one guest only.

Please see the guest policy for the complete information on the College’s guest policy. 

Defining Events

A College event may be on- or off-campus and may only be sponsored by Swarthmore students. All events held on-campus are automatically subject to this policy. An individual and/or organization holding an event off-campus may be subject to the Student Code of Conduct, local state law, and/or any additional expectations of the event space. 

  • Open events are defined as an event where all students are permitted to attend.  Open events may or may not be open to non-student members of the campus community.
  • Closed events may be held for a smaller group of students and/or members of an organization. A guest list may be required depending on the size and scale of the event. 

Many club and organization events will fall under this category of event. All club and organization leaders should be familiar with the Club Handbook and the Student Budget Committee policies in regards to hosting events on campus. All club and organization treasurers are responsible for following the Treasurer Handbook when using their Student Budget Committee allocations.

All events on campus must be free to attend for all students. There should be no perceived entry fee or charge to attend.

If groups are looking to collaborate with other offices or clubs for funding, please contact the Office of Student Engagement staff for support in the use and coordination of these funds. 

All students are eligible to register an event during the academic year. Alcohol Registered Events (A.R.E.s) have further restrictions on scheduling.

Read the full policy

Failure to Comply

The College expects students to comply with the directions of Public Safety officers, law enforcement officers, or College officials acting in the performance of their duties. Upon request, students are obligated to provide College personnel with accurate identification and must present their OneCard when requested. Students who fail to comply with such authority may be subject to the student conduct process.

Furthermore, the College expects students found responsible for Student Code of Conduct violations to fully comply with all disciplinary sanctions imposed by the College. A student’s failure to comply with such imposed sanctions will be subject to further referrals to the student conduct process.

False Representation

No student shall knowingly provide false information or engage in misrepresentation to any College office/official. Forgery, alteration, or unauthorized possession or use of College documents, records, or instruments of identification, forged or fraudulent communications (paper or electronic mail) are prohibited.

Additionally, the College expects students to accurately represent themselves beyond the College (e.g. to employers and/or graduate schools). As such, misrepresenting oneself on job applications to potential employers and/or on graduate school applications (e.g. falsified transcript, making up or largely exaggerating experiences on a resume, failure to disclose College disciplinary history, etc.) is prohibited.

The Swarthmore Police Department will accept a Swarthmore College OneCard as proof of identification, except when a driver’s license is required for operating a motor vehicle.

Fire Safety

Fire regulations prohibit the use of personal cooking appliances (hot plates, toaster ovens, or other items with open-heat elements), space heaters, candles, incense, other open-flame items, vapes, charging lithium powered motor vehicle batteries, and halogen lamps in and around residential housing and student social spaces. Open flames, including the burning of candles, incense or other unauthorized objects, are not permitted in residence halls or any other unauthorized area of campus. It is also a violation to hang items from any part of fire safety equipment including conduits and sprinkler heads. Any student with an open flame (e.g., candle, incense, etc.) may be subject to a $500 fine.

Tampering, interference, misuse, covering, removing, causing damage, and/or destruction of fire safety and fire prevention equipment (e.g. smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, sprinklers, etc.) is prohibited and are a violation of state law and anyone committing such acts may face criminal penalties. Any student who causes an alarm to be set off for improper purposes may be liable for the expenses incurred by the fire department(s) in responding to the alarm, in addition to any fines, charges or sanctions that may be applied for violation(s) of this policy.

If no individual or group of individuals accept responsibility when a violation of this policy occurs in a residence hall, all residents of that residence hall may be subject to fines and charges for costs incurred by the College and/or fire department(s).

Fire drills are held on a regular basis. Directions for fire drill procedures are posted in every building. Failure to vacate any College building during an active fire alarm, including drills is a violation of College policy, and may result in disciplinary action.

Hallways and stairways must be kept clear of bicycles, trunks, and furniture, and may not be used for storage. Items impinging on free movement in public spaces, including halls and stairways, will be removed (including cutting locks, when necessary) and their owners may be charged for their removal.

The propping of or tampering with fire doors in any College building is prohibited. This includes making any modifications to prevent the door from closing or locking such as taping door mechanisms, modifying or damaging hardware, using any type of door chock or wedge, or impeding the closure and/or egress through the door.

Students are financially responsible for damages resulting from reckless conduct or violation of this policy. Any student in violation of the College’s fire safety rules (e.g., unauthorized candle/incense/object burning, tampering with fire safety equipment, etc.) may be subject to restitution and replacement costs, a fine, adjudication through the student conduct process, or other reasonable resolution as deemed by the student conduct administrator.

Any student in possession of prohibited items and/or in violation of the fire safety policy may be referred to the student conduct process. The College reserves the right to confiscate prohibited items with the option of destruction or holding until they can safely be removed from campus.


Swarthmore College prohibits any form of hazing, whether the activities occur on or off property owned or operated by the College. Additionally, the College supports and enforces the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Timothy J. Piazza Anti-hazing Law, Act 80 of 2018. Failure to notify the College of an incident of hazing, may be a violation of this policy.  

Hazing includes, but is not limited to, any behavior and/or acts of servitude that is designed or intended to humiliate, degrade, embarrass, harass, or ridicule an individual, or that which a reasonable person would deem harmful or potentially harmful to an individual’s physical, emotional, or psychological well-being, as an actual or perceived condition of new or continued affiliation with any organization, and/or team. Hazing also includes knowingly or recklessly engaging in such behavior and/or acts.    

Engagement in any of these behaviors, regardless of the intent to cause harm or the willingness of an individual to participate in such activity, for the purpose of initiation, admission, or continued affiliation and/or membership, is a violation of this policy.


Housing Violations

General housing policies and regulations described below are established by the Student Life department and the Office of Student Engagement. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the policies and rules concerning conduct in the residence halls. Acceptance of space in College housing constitutes knowledge of, willingness, and agreement to abide by these housing policies. Living in College housing is a privilege and not a right. The Student Life department and/or Office of Student Engagement may, at any time and at its own discretion, withdraw this privilege due to behavior, which does not rise to the standards outlined below. In most cases, students who lose their housing privileges are not entitled to a refund of their room and board charges for the remaining weeks of the semester.

Read the full policy.


Retaliation, any act or attempt to seek retribution from any person or group who makes a complaint, cooperates with an investigation, or participates in a resolution process, is a violation of College policy and will not be tolerated. Retaliation can take many forms, including continued abuse or violence, bullying, threats, intimidation, and stalking. Any individual or group of individuals, not just a complainant or respondent, can engage in retaliation.

Retaliation should be reported promptly to the Senior Associate Dean of Student Life and may result in a referral to the student conduct process independent of any sanction or interim measures imposed in response to an underlying allegation of misconduct.

Sexual Misconduct: Title IX and College-Defined Sexual Misconduct

Swarthmore College is committed to establishing and maintaining a community rich in equality and free from all forms of discrimination and harassment. The College seeks to create an environment in which the greatest holistic academic potential of students and professional potential of employees may be realized. In order to create and maintain such an inclusive climate, all who work and learn at the College are partners in the endeavor to ensure that the community is free from discrimination based on sex or gender, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and other forms of sexual misconduct. These behaviors threaten our learning, living, and work environments and will not be tolerated.

The College’s Title IX and College-Defined Sexual Misconduct Policy prohibits all forms of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence and domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, indecent exposure, and other misconduct that is sex or gender based, or in the context of an intimate partner relationship including: bullying and intimidation, physical assault, and discrimination. The full policy can be found at:

Click here to submit a Title IX Report and Concern Form


Smoking and/or vaping of tobacco products or other substances is prohibited in all indoor spaces throughout the College, including meeting rooms, lounges, offices, and residence halls (including individual’s residential rooms). Violation(s) may result in a referral to student conduct, a fine, and/or other potential penalties, including exclusion from campus housing. Altering smoke detectors creates danger for all building occupants and may be met with a referral to the student conduct process

Smoking is only allowed outdoors at a minimum distance of 25 feet from all buildings.


Stalking is engaging in a course of conduct or repeatedly committing acts toward another person, including unauthorized following or repeatedly communicating to another person, which demonstrate either an intent to put another person in fear of bodily injury or cause the person substantial emotional distress.

Anyone who attempts to use bullying, intimidation, or stalking to retaliate against someone who reports an incident, brings a complaint, or participates in an investigation will be in violation of retaliation as described within this Handbook and will be subject to a referral to the student conduct process.

When acts of bullying, intimidation, or stalking occur in the context of intimate-partner violence or when the behavior is perpetrated on the basis of sex or gender, the conduct will be resolved under the Title IX and College-Defined Sexual Misconduct Policy.

Theft, Vandalism, or Property Damage

Theft, negligent, intentional, or accidental damage to personal or College property is prohibited, as is possession of stolen property. Restitution may be charged to the appropriate individual(s) and may warrant a referral to the student conduct process. In the event that damage occurs in a residence-hall common space for which no one assumes responsibility, restitution may be divided equally among all residents of that hall. Administrative fees may be added if students do not comply by the end of the semester.

For damage that occurs during a student event for which no individual student(s) accept(s) responsibility, the sponsoring students and/or organizations may be held accountable for restitution for replacement or repair of the damaged property and may be subject to further referrals to the student conduct process

Unauthorized Entry or Access

Unauthorized entry into or presence within any College buildings or areas, including but not limited to athletic facilities, construction sites, even when unlocked, is prohibited. Climbing on any College building or College-owned structure or being present on building roofs is prohibited without authorization. Tampering with locks to College buildings, unauthorized possession or use of College keys, and alteration or duplication of College keys is against College policy.

Swarthmore OneCards are not transferable. Loaning your OneCard to another individual to enable their unauthorized access is prohibited. Misused OneCards will be confiscated and returned to the owner only on application to the Student Life division. Participation in any of these activities may subject a student to fines and/or a referral to the student conduct process. 

Unauthorized Use of College Resources and College Services

The unauthorized use of College resources is prohibited. The use of any College resources to support or enable violations of College policy is also prohibited. College resources means all College property, including but not limited to College buildings, spaces and grounds, College financial accounts and assets, College documents and records, College electronic/computer systems and networks, and College furnishings, equipment and materials.

Encampments on and occupation of any College facilities, spaces or grounds is prohibited.

The use of College spaces must comply with the College policy and space reservation protocols. For authorization and specific requirements to use College spaces, contact the Office of Student Engagement and Events Management in advance.

As described in this Handbook, students have been granted privileges to access many College services in accordance with College policies. However, it is a violation of College policy to use College services in a manner that does not comply with the permission that was granted. An example is excessive printing through College networks, systems and equipment in violation of the College’s acceptable use and allowable printing policies.

The Acceptable Use Policy under the Academic Policies section of the Student Handbook provides guidelines for use of College electronic/computer systems and networks. A failure to comply with the acceptable use of the College’s electronic/computer systems is a violation of College policy.

See also  the Disorderly Conduct policy within the Student Code of Conduct.

Violations of this section are subject to a loss of access privileges and a referral to the student conduct process.

Violation of College Policy

Any violation of a College policy, rule, or regulation that is published in hard copy, available electronically on the College website, or disseminated through other electronic communications may be subject to the student conduct process.

Violation of Local, State, or Federal Law

Any violation of local, state, federal, or international law may subject a student to College disciplinary action. A pending appeal of a conviction shall not affect the application of this rule.

Weapons and Other Prohibited Items

No student may possess or use a firearm on Swarthmore College property or its environs regardless of whether they may be legally permitted to possess such firearm. Firearms, including rifles, shotguns, handguns, air guns (including paint guns), and gas-powered guns and all ammunition or hand-loading equipment and supplies for the same, are not permitted.

No student may possess or use fireworks, small motorized vehicle E-scooters, hoverboards, E-skateboards, and/or other dangerous devices, chemicals, or explosives on Swarthmore College property or its environs. Items such as knives, even if decorative, that could be viewed and/or used as weapons are forbidden. Students who violate this policy will be referred to the student conduct process and may be subject to outcomes up to and including expulsion from the College.

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