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illustration from Zamiatin's WE



January 23: Background, reading list, syllabus; discuss final reading

January 25: Nikolai Chernyshevsky, "Vera Pavlovna's Dream," pp. 248-58, and on Moodle; Fyodor Dostoevsky, "The Grand Inquisitor," on Moodle, and "Dream of a Ridiculous Man," pp. 276-90, on Moodle

Information and Questions on Dostoevsky and Chernyshevsky

(Optional readings for week 1: Konstantin Tsiolkovskii, "On the Moon: A Fantastic Tale," in Red Star Tales, pp. 38-77; Nikolai Fyodorov, "Karazin: Meteorologist or Meteorurge?", Red Star Tales, pp. 31-37; Nikolai Fyodorov, "The Question of Brotherhood..." - on Moodle; Valery Briusov, "The Republic of the Southern Cross," pp. 303-17; Bryusov, "Rebellion of the Machines," pp. 78-85)

Information on Tsiolkovsky and Fyodorov and questions for the optional reading

Information and Questions on Briusov


January 30: Aleksandr Bogdanov, Red Star, introduction, pp. 1-16, and 17-140

Information and Questions on Bogdanov

February 1: Karel Čapek, R.U.R.

Information and Questions on Čapek and R.U.R. 

Possible topics for the first paper, due February 22



February 6: Evgenii Zamiatin, We

Information and Questions on We

February 8: Alexei N. Tolstoy, slim excerpt from "Aèlita, Queen of Mars," Worlds Apart, pp. 555-83, and on Moodle; clip from Yakov Protazanov's Aèlita; Aleksndr Belyaev, "Professor Dowell's Head," in Red Star Tales, pp. 113-157 .

Information and Questions on Aèlita

(Optional reading: Andrei Platonov, "The Lunar Bomb," pp. 158-80, on Moodle.)

Information and Questions for optional reading on Platonov


February 13: Vladimir Nabokov, Invitation to a Beheading, Foreword and novel

Information and Questions on Nabokov and Invitation to a Beheading

February 15: Professor will be away at a conference; start reading Karel Čapek, The War with the Newts, and work on first paper


February 20:  Karel Čapek, War with the Newts, Book One, pp. 9-114

Information and Questions on Čapek's War with the Newts

FIRST PAPER DUE  February 22!

February 22: 

War with the Newts, Books Two and Three, pp. 117-241

Big Issues in the course to date



February 27:  Mikhail Bulgakov, "The Fatal Eggs," pp. 471-529 (on Moodle)

Information and Questions on Bulgakov's "Fatal Eggs"

February 29:  Josef Nesvadba, "Expedition in the Opposite Direction," pp. 50-84, and "Inventor of His Own Undoing," pp. 142-164; Zamiatin, "On Literature, Revolution, Entropy, and Other Matters" (on Moodle)

Information and Questions on Nesvadba



March 5: Ivan Efremov, Andromeda, presentations on sections

March 7: Ivan Efremov, Andromeda, continuing presentations on sections and discussion

(Optional reading if you want to see what kind of SF was getting published under Stalin: Alerksandr Kazantsev, “Explosion,” pp. 224-49)

Information and Questions on Kazantsev and Efremov

The self-scheduled midterm exam (due to me by March 8!) is on the course Moodle page.




March 19: Stanisław Lem, Solaris

Information and Questions on Lem and Solaris

Big Issues in Solaris

March 21: Arkadii and Boris Strugatsky, Escape Attempt pp. 3-100 (on Moodle)

Information and questions about the Strugatskys and Escape Attempt



March 26: Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, Hard to Be a God

Information and questions about Hard to Be a God

March 28: Soviet SF stories: Vladlen Bakhnov, "The Fifth on the Left," pp. 142-55; Sever Gansovsky, "Vincent Van Gogh," pp. 52-118; Ilya Varshavsky, "No Alarming Symptoms," pp. 1-14 (on Moodle)

Information and Questions on these writers and stories



April 2: 

Arkadii and Boris Strugatsky, Roadside Picnic

Information and questions about Roadside Picnic  

April 4: More Soviet SF stories: Olga Larionova, "Temira," pp. 1-30; Larionova, "The Useless Planet," pp. 80-121; Valentina Zhuravleva, "The Brat," pp. 31-40 (also available as "Hussy" in another translation, if you're interested in comparing them, pp. 143-151); Gennady Gor, "The Garden," pp. 107-25 (all on Moodle)

Information and questions about Larionova, Zhuravleva, and Gor

The longer paper (or equivalent project) is due on April 4!



April 9: Stanisław Lem, The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age

Information and questions about Cyberiad

April 11: Kirill Bulychëv, "I Was the First to Find You," pp. 50-63, "May I Please Speak to Nina?" pp. 78-90, "Snowmaiden," pp. 103-13 (on Moodle)

Information and Questions on Bulychëv



April 16: Lem, Futurological Congress, pp. 1-149

Information and questions on Lem's Futurological Congress

April 18: Vladimir Savchenko, "Mixed Up," pp. 352-98; Olga Larionova, "A Double Last Name," on Moodle

Information and questions on Savchenko and "Mixed Up"



April 23: Viktor Pelevin, Omon Ra

Information about Pelevin and questions on Omon Ra

April 25: Daliya Truskinovskaya, excerpt from Doorinda, pp. 424-440; Sergei Lukyanenko, “My Dad’s an Antibiotic,” pp. 441-63

Information and Questions on Truskinovskaya and Lukyanenko



April 30: Orest Stelmach, The Boy from Reactor 4

May 2: Final discussion.


Let me know if you have questions about the Special Project.


Final Examination will be a three-hour self-scheduled written exam, posted on Moodle, due to me no later than May 16. (Or May 11, if you are a graduating senior at Bryn Mawr or Haverford.)

Mikhail Bulgakov, "The Fatal Eggs"



Mikhail Bulgakov, "The Fatal Eggs"

Mikhail Afanas'evich Bulgakov (1891-1940) was born in Kiev. He trained and practiced as a doctor, but in 1920 he decided to quit and become a writer. He is best known for his plays ("Days of the Turbins," "Zoyka's Apartment," "The Crimson Island," "Molière," and others) and his novel The Master and Margarita (left not quite finished when he died), but he wrote some shorter fiction as well. "The Fatal Eggs," written in 1924, was published in the collection Diavoliada ('The Diaboliad') in Moscow in 1925 and fairly enthusiastically received. Bulgakov was skeptical of the Bolshevik revolution, and as a result he experienced all kinds of unpleasant censorship - indeed, by 1927 (a year before most of the action in "Fatal Eggs" takes place!) Bulgakov's prose was banned, and he never published any more prose in his lifetime. His success as a dramatic author lasted a bit longer, but Stalin did not let him emigrate when he asked to in 1930. Bulgakov's third wife preserved his archive after his death from nephrosclerosis, and when The Master and Margarita was finally published in the 1960s - in a censored edition! - it was a big surprise for readers everywhere.



Sibelan Forrester

Office: Kohlberg 340
Phone: 610.328.8162

Office Hours:

Monday: 11:00-12:00
Tuesday: 10:00-11:00
Thursday: 1:30-2:30
...or by appointment