Stories from our Scholars

Alejandra Sandoval, '20
Alejandra Sandoval, '20 interned through the Rubin Program at Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC) in Phoenix, Arizona the summer of 2019. CPLC is an organization that aims to provide early childhood education for children with parents who are migrant workers or seasonal workers in agriculture. The staff members collaborate to provide an enriching environment both for the children and their parents to increase the parents’ own knowledge about their children’s development and well-being. While the children spend their day in the classroom, the Family Service Engagement Workers (FSEW’s) remain in constant contact with the parents via phone calls or meetings to discuss the child’s progress or any concerns that may arise as the school year progresses.
Alejandra says “This internship became more than I hoped for: a truly enriching experience on all levels. Aside from identifying with these children and their families, I wanted to be a part of an organization that aimed to help alleviate or at least ameliorate these struggles. I wanted and continue to want the encouragement and advocacy support my parents weren’t able to receive. This experience encouraged me to continue my dream to work with migrant children and their families as a clinical psychologist or possibly as a social worker as well. I am truly grateful for this experience and it is one I will forever treasure because I became a part of this early childhood education program, where children begin to dream and continue to develop with the help of a team of staff members and mostly importantly, their parents”.