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Reunion Classes and Committees

Alumni gather under a tent on Parrish Beach during Alumni Weekend 2019

We are grateful to the individuals listed below for their thoughtful, thorough work in planning reunion activities for their classmates and fellow Swarthmoreans celebrating milestone reunions. Thank you for your extraordinary work creating and fostering connections during this exceptional year!


70th Reunion: Class of 1951

Walter Blass '51
Elisabeth (Liesje) Ketchel '51

65th Reunion: Classes of 1955 and 1956

Bob Barr '56
Gretchen Mann Handwerger '56
Sally Pattullo McGarry '56
Paul Resnick '55

60th Reunion: Class of 1961

Bonny Cochran '61
Maurice Eldridge '61
Randy Moore '61
Greta Seashore '61
Jon Van Til '61
Pat Westine '61

55th Reunion: Class of 1966

Class committee

Jill Grubb '66
Robert Levering '66
Tom Riddell '66
Dare Thompson '66
Tom Webb '66
John Wehmiller '66
Jody Williams '66

class resources

Visit our class website:

50th Reunion: Class of 1971

Bob Abrahams '71
Robert M. Cushman '71
Martha Meier Dean '71
Leslie Fiering '71
Nancy Shoemaker '71
Richard Schall '71
Deborah Bond-Upson '71

class resources

Visit our class website

Visit our private class Facebook group: Swarthmore College Class of 1971.

45th Reunion: Class of 1976

Petrina Albulescu Dawson '76
Gina Doggett '76
Maurice Kerins '76
Gilda Kramer '76
Bruce Robertson '76
Martha L Spanninger '76
Carol Leslie Swingle '76
Alan Symonette '76

class resources

Visit our class Facebook page: Swarthmore Class of 1976

40th Reunion: Class of 1981

Jeff Gordon '81
Karen Oliver '81
Tom Scholz '81

class resources

Visit our class Facebook page: Swarthmore College Class of 1981.

35th Reunion: Class of 1986

David Allgeier '86
Hilary Damaser '86
Bruce W. Han '86
Judd Liebman '86
Don McMinn '86
Margaret Woodruff Palme '86
Mindy S. Pincus '86

30th Reunion: Class of 1991

Keyvan Amir-Arjomand '91
Abigail Brown '91

25th Reunion: Class of 1996

Colleen Bartley '96
Chris Henry '96
Kathleen Lawton-Trask '96
Chris  Marin '96

class resources

Visit our class Facebook page: Swarthmore College Class of 1996.

In the mood for some throwbacks? Listen to our Class of 1996 Spotify playlist!

20th Reunion: Class of 2001

Shreena Gandhi '01
Shelley Laws '01
BoHee Yoon '01

15th Reunion: Class of 2006

Kennette Banks '06 
Alexander Glick '06
Patrick Hart '06

10th Reunion: Class of 2011

Shameika Black '11
Arik Davidson '11

5th Reunion: Class of 2016

Michaela Shuchman '16
Nicole Walker '16