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Tao Wang

Lead Associate of the Social Science Quantitative Lab



  1. Phone: (610) 957-6139
  2. Kohlberg Hall 214
  3. Office Hours: Please make an appointment. Walk-ins welcome when door is open.

Areas of Interest: International Economics, Environmental Economics, Applied Econometrics, Data Science

curriculum vitae



Capital controls and international trade: An industry financial vulnerability perspective,” with Kevin Lai and David Xu, Journal of International Money and Finance, 2021, 116, 102399. Final version + online appendix

"Ellsberg Paradox: Ambiguity and Complexity Aversions Compared," with Jaromír Kovářík and Dan Levin, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2016, 52(1): 47–64. Final verstion + appendices.

“'Extending Society': The Role of Interpersonal Networks and Gratification-Utilities in the Use of Interactive Communication Media,” with John Dimmick, Shufang-Lin and Artemio Ramirez Jr, 2007, New Media & Society, 9(5), 795-810.

Toward an Economic Theory of Media Diffusion Based on the Parameters of the Logistic Growth Equation,” with John Dimmick, 2005, Journal of Media Economics, 18(4), 233-246.

Book review of The Green Paradox: A Supply-Side Approach to Global Warming by Hans-Werner Sinn, Journal of Economic Literature, 2012, 50(4), 1145-1146.


Working Papers

Climate Change Policy and Patterns of International Trade.” 

Carbon Motivated Border Adjustments in Combating 'Carbon Leakage.”

Technology, International Trade and Carbon Emissions of US Industry.”

Prices versus Quantities Revisited: the Case of a Transboundary Stock Pollutant,” with Tom Wang and Guy Berreby.

Did Trading with China Make the U.S. Cleaner? Evidence from Local Air Pollution,” with Henry Lei.



Econ 001 Introduction to Economics (syllabus)

Econ 031 Introduction to Econometrics (syllabus)

Econ 051 International Trade and Finance (syllabus)

Econ 083 East Asian Economies (syllabus)

Econ 151 international Economics Honors Seminar (syllabus)