Christy Schuetze on "Spirit Wives and Church Mothers: Women’s Religious Participation in Central Mozambique"

Associate Professor of Anthropology
Department Chair, Sociology & Anthropology
Sociology & Anthropology-Anthropology
Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, 2010
B.A., Anthropology, International Affairs Concentration, The Colorado College, 1998
Schuetze, Christy; August 2023, Spirit Wives and Church Mothers: Marriage, Social Healing, and Survival in Mozambique.
Schuetze, Christy; [in preparation for submission to American Ethnologist]; “Pastors as Patrons: Patterns of Pentecostal Church Leadership in Mozambique.”
Schuetze, Christy; [in preparation for submission to American Anthropologist]; “The Economy of Spirits and the Moral Politics of Money: Changing Human-Spirit Relationships in Central Mozambique.”
Schuetze, Christy; 2015; “Narrative Fortresses: Crisis Narratives and the Production of Conflict in the Conservation of Mount Gorongosa, Mozambique.” Conservation and Society 13(2): 141-153.
Schuetze, Christy and Carolien Jacobs; 2011; "Violence Against Violence: In Search of Security and Justice," Etnofoor 23(2):17-36.
Schuetze, Christy and Carolien Jacobs; 2011; "Justice With Their Own Hands: Lynching, Poverty, Witchcraft, and the State in Mozambique," in Manfred Berg and Simon Wendt, eds. Globalizing Lynching History. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
2010. PhD dissertation; "The World is Upside Down: Women's Participation in Religious Movements and the Search for Social Healing in Central Mozambique."
2008. "Examining the Role of Language in Healing: a Comparison of Two Therapeutic Interventions for Spirit Possession," pp. 33-54 in Toyin Falola and Matthew Heaton, eds., Health, Knowledge, and Belief Systems in Africa. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
Baptista, Samuel Joao, Celestino Sacaune Canda & Christy Schuetze; 2003; Kuona na Kulemba: Malongero a chi-Gorongosi. Translation from chiSena to chiGorongosi of adult literacy materials; Ministry of Education, Mozambique.
Anthropology of Africa; anthropology of religion; medical anthropology; globalization; anthropology of development; health and society; Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity; environmental anthropology; post-colonial economics and gender; state and traditional relations in governance.