Amanda Bayer
Franklin E. and Betty Barr Chair in Economics
Department Chair, Economics
Affiliations: Economics
Areas of Interest: Microeconomics, Labor Markets, Game Theory, the Economics Profession

Amanda Bayer is Franklin and Betty Barr Professor of Economics at Swarthmore College. She holds a B.A. in economics and psychology from Williams College and an M.Phil. and Ph.D. in economics from Yale University.
Professor Bayer's scholarship explores and promotes innovation in economic education and research. She was elected to the Executive Committee of the American Economic Association (AEA) and selected to chair the AEA's Advisory Committee on Editorial Appointments. She led the AEA's work on Best Practices for Economists and has worked with multiple other key organizations, including the National Academy of Sciences, the Social Science Research Council, the College Board, and the Federal Reserve. Professor Bayer is the creator and editor of Div.E.Q., a widely read online resource supported by the AEA, which encourages inclusive, innovative, and evidence-based teaching practices in economics, helping economists to engage students with varied interests, backgrounds, and learning styles and to enhance overall participation and achievement. In other research projects, Professor Bayer has investigated the effects of youth mentoring programs using econometric analysis and has evaluated randomized controlled trial and quasi-experimental studies of education interventions for the Institute of Education Sciences. Using her expertise in game theory, Professor Bayer has researched the effects of strategic behavior in settings such as litigation, labor negotiations, managerial decision making, and neighborhood development. She has partnered with a variety of nonprofit organizations to investigate topics of mutual interest and has led major projects for the College's Peace and Conflict Studies and Athletics programs. See her curriculum vitae for additional information.