Anna Lee

Anna Lee '17
Hometown: Napa, California
High School: Napa High School
Intended Major: Special Major in Sociology/Anthropology and Education
Possible Career: Teacher
Name a person you admire.
My mom who has always been supportive and encouraging. She's always modeled the power of empathy in working with people and building positive relationships. This is something I hope to emulate in my life and work.
What have been the most valuable Evans Scholars program experiences for you?
Through my Evans opportunity, I've been able to explore, travel, and grow in my confidence. I was able to intern for a non-profit where I was able to teach and gain practice. My scholarship has allowed me to pursue my interests and learn how to make a positive impact.
What was the most transformative class you have taken and/or what subjects do you want to explore deeply?
I really enjoyed taking Introduction to Education my freshman year. It was my first opportunity to examine education more deeply, reflect on my own experiences and consider the importance of teachers. It inspired me to continue studying Education and has moved me to pursue my teacher certification.