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Supervisor Tips and Tricks


Contacting the Appropriate Office

Contact the Student Payroll Office for support with the following:

  • Payroll paperwork submission
  • Banner timesheet access
  • Guidance about paying a student

Contact the Student Employment Office for support with the following:

  • Advertising a job
  • Questions about JobX
  • Application or job description approval within JobX
Scheduling an Interview

JobX does not currently support interview scheduling. You have a few options available if you will be asking students to schedule an interview time.

  • You may include a link in one of the application questions that takes the student to a scheduling process or form
  • You may utilized the contact features to email students once they have applied. The emailed information can provide instruction on how the student should proceed.
Changing the Number of Available Openings

This field, located near the bottom of the job description, must be equal to or greater than the number of students you intend to hire. This number controls the number of application slots and must also be greater than zero in order to list a position. Detailed instructions can be downloaded in PDF form.

Deleting Old Applications

When listing a job for a new cycle, supervisors will want to delete old applications. Prior year applications will cause an error if you attempt to rehire a student. It is encouraged to download and save the applicant data prior to deleting it.

  • Deleting positions cannot be undone so we encourage you to export your applicant pool data for record retention.
  • Moving the position into the "Storage" status will delete all applicant data. (See changing the status instructions.) THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE.
  • Individual applications may be deleted from the applicant listing.
    • On the supervisor control panel, click on the number of applications for the job you wish to edit
    • Select the individual applicants or use "select all"
    • Use the drop down menu "Select Action Below" to select Delete
    • Apply Action
Search Students Option (Search or Confirm a Student's Full Name, Status, or ID)

While on your Supervisor control panel, select the "JobX" tab and choose "Search Students." This can be used while using the Direct Hire function if you need to verify the student's work-aid status, or if they have completed their paperwork. A "No" next to Student Status, I9, or Direct Deposit will always result in the failure of a hire attempt. You may also print instructions. [PDF]

Accessing Timesheets and Pay periods

Timesheets are accessible to both supervisors and students via;mySwarthmore. The student pay period schedule is located on theStudent Payroll website. If you or your student have questions about Timesheets, contact Student Payroll for help.


When creating or editing a job description, please pay special attention to the question asking about the time frame for which you are posting the position.

This field, located near the bottom of the job description, controls the time at which students will see timesheets. It officially begins and ends a student's ability to be employed in your department. This selection is also a criteria that students may use to filter job results during their job search.

  • Fall Timeframe is used for student hiring beginning in August and ending in December.
  • Spring Timeframe is used for student hiring beginning in January and ending in May.
  • Academic Year Timeframe can only be used in the Fall semester. It should be used for student hiring carrying over the winter break into the Spring semester.
  • Summer Timeframe is used for student hiring beginning in May and ending in August.

To change the Timeframe:

  1. Click on the title of the job you wish to change
  2. Click "edit this job"
  3. Scroll to the bottom, near the contact information.
  4. Select the correct time period from the drop down box.
  5. Submit the job description

Students hired for the Fall Semester Timeframe will need to be rehired if working in the same position for the Spring Semester.

Students hired for the Spring Semester Timeframe will need to be rehired if working in the same position for the Summer.

Direct Hires

Students remaining in positions will need to be rehired each year. Hires will not carry over from one academic year to the next. Direct hiring can be used to rehire a student in a subsequent timeframe. Download detailed instructions in PDF form. In order to direct hire a student, you must delete all old applications from that student or you will receive an error mentioning a "duplicate hire". If you receive this error, use the deleting old applications instructions below. You will need the student's name as it appears in JobX and their ID number. You can obtain this in JobX using the "Search Students" option under the JobX tab. Opening this in an incognito window will allow you to then hire the students as you look them up.

Number of Hours

Anywhere that hours are asked for in JobX, particularly when hiring specific students, be sure to be as accurate as possible. Students may work more or less than the hours stated on JobX, however, information on hours is used when determining the number of available hours a department offers for student workers. When classes are in session, students may not work more than 20 hours per week. The College suggests 7-8 hours per week for aided students as part of a financial aid decision so that guidelines can be used as well. International students may put their visa status in jeopardy if they work more than 20 hours per week. When classes are not in session students may work up to 40 hours per week however, they may not work more than 8 hours per day. Working more than this will incur overtime for your department.

Requesting a New Position (one that does not currently exist in JobX)
  • First, go to the JobX landing page . This screen is prior to logging in.
  • Choose the right side link, "Student Employment Supervisor Home Page"
  • Choose the right side link, "Student Employment Wage Tool Create a New Student Position"
  • Fill out the survey and submit
  • The position will be created in Banner, and then moved into JobX. You will receive a confirmation email with instructions on next steps once this process has been completed. This may take 2-4 weeks at different times of the year. We have provided a template that you may download and use before completing the job description in JobX.

Items to keep in mind:

  • Job titles must be 25 or fewer characters
  • Select a title that is different from ones that currently exist in your department and that you can easily identify.
  • Job titles should not be too similar to existing positions. This can confuse the time sheet submitter and the approver.
  • Including a class number or professor name may be helpful but titles cannot be changed so think long term about your department's structure.
  • General titles like manager or administrator are vague and may not be helpful for students looking for specific job opportunities.
Change the Status of your Position: Listed, Not Listed, Pending Approval

When you are no longer actively hiring, be sure to move your positions from "Active, Listed" status to "Active, Not Listed" status. By doing this, you will eliminate confusion, as students are looking for vacant positions throughout the semester. It will also give the Student Employment Office a more accurate sense of what departments that are still looking for students at any given time. Instructions on how to change the status of your position can be found on our Add, List, Edit, or Change the Status page. If you are unsure of what each status means, see the descriptions below.

  • Active, Listed Status
    • contains jobs that are currently public and accepting applications​​​. Students may be hired while the job is in this status.
  • Pending Approval Status
    • contains jobs that are awaiting administrative approval after a change has been made and the position has been set to "Listed. Jobs in this status will not show as listed until they are approved. Students may not be hired while the job is in this status.
  • Active, Not ListedStatus
    • contains jobs that are not public or accepting online applications. Only the department can see the position in this status. This status is used as a holding status for departmental review or hiring of applicants. Hiring managers can hire in this status and so this status is used to hold positions after being listed, or to "Direct Hire" students without accepting online applications.



Accessing Timesheets and Pay periods

Timesheets are accessible to both supervisors and students via;mySwarthmore. The student pay period schedule is located on theStudent Payroll website. If you or your student have questions about Timesheets, contact Student Payroll for help.