Linguistics Tri-College Class of 2012
Kristen Allen, Swarthmore College

Aparajita Bhattacharyya, Bryn Mawr College

Polarity Sensitive Any in Bengali [PDF]
Allyson Bunch, Bryn Mawr College

Textual Variation and the Representation of Dialect in Petronius’ Satyricon [PDF]
Andrew Cheng, Swarthmore College

Finding Remo: A Preliminary Phonetic Analysis of the Language [PDF]
Alexia Fawcett, Bryn Mawr College

Documenting Language, Culture, and Cognition: Language and Space among the Waorani [PDF]
Eleanor Glewwe, Swarthmore College

Translating French Slang: A Study of Four French Novels and Their English Translations [PDF]
Jonathan Gluck, Swarthmore College

NLP Analysis of Folksonomies [PDF]
Lara Hasychak, Swarthmore College

Italian Vowels [PDF]
Marjorie Herbert, Swarthmore College

Pluralization in German Sign Language [PDF]
Franklin Huntington, Swarthmore College

Despite the great distance, existence unites the two: Translating the poetry of Fadwa Tuqan [PDF]
Jesse Ingber, Haverford College

Language Rights and their Enforcement [PDF]
Andrew Jenness, Haverford College

Jennifer Johnson, Swarthmore College

Lexical Acculturation in Siletz Dee-ni [PDF]
Rachel Kachnycz, Bryn Mawr College

Rebecca Knowles, Haverford College

Vowel Harmony: Statistical Methods for Linguistic Analysis [PDF]
Mary Lane, Haverford College

English Loans in German and the Borrowing of Meaning [PDF]
Allison Letts, Haverford College

Rachel Lim, Haverford College

Kathryn McCafferty, Swarthmore College

Linguistics of White Racism: Racist discourse strategy in US politics [PDF]
Christina Obiajulu, Swarthmore College

Lyrical Insight: Looking at Changes in AAVE through Slave Spirituals, Blues and Rap [PDF]
Louise St. Amour, Haverford College

Verbal Morphology of the Southern Unami Dialect of Lenape [PDF]
Amira Silver-Swartz, Swarthmore College

Lexical Variation in Italian Sign Language [PDF]
Maia Spencer, Bryn Mawr College

A Watra E-trubu (The Water Gets Muddy): Creole Genesis and the Sranan Verbal System [PDF]
Sarah Theobald, Bryn Mawr College

Zachary Wiener, Swarthmore College

Emma Wippermann, Bryn Mawr College

METAPHORS FOR CHANGE Re-Metaphorizing the Metaphors We Live By [PDF]