Alumni Council

Hello Swarthmore Alumni!
My name is Ayanna Johnson '09, and I am the President of our Alumni Council. My first steps on campus many years ago reminded me that Swarthmore could be my home away from home and it remains true to this day. Now, through my work with the Alumni Council, I’ve been able to deepen my bonds to the College and give back to a place that has meant so much to me.
Like many of you, my time at Swarthmore was among the most formative and incredible experiences of my life. Swarthmore taught me how to think critically and how to use my voice for good. It is where I met amazing people and some of my dearest friends.
It is my and the Alumni Council’s goal to represent you — the approximately 20,000 alumni who make up our community — to the College, and to remind you that you are a valued member of our community. As the theme of Alumni Weekend said, You (still) Belong Here! I invite you to get involved with the College and come back to campus and let me know what you have found. The Council works hard to drive inclusivity through our programs and keep alumni connected. Check out our past Swat Talks for a glimpse of this work! If you ever have ideas about how we can better do that — or if you have a question or just want to share an opinion — please don’t hesitate to email me at
Thank you for the honor and pleasure of serving as your Alumni Council President.
Ayanna Johnson '09, Alumni Council President
Overview of Alumni Council
The Alumni Council leads the Alumni Association, promotes unity, and fellowship among alumni and advances the interests of the College. Alumni Council members are ambassadors for the College. We share information from the College with alumni, support alumni events, raise issues to the College that arise in the alumni body, and serve students, faculty, and the administration. We stay up-to-date on College affairs, connecting with alumni, and supporting students.
Whether it’s hosting SwatTalks, which feature accomplished alumni leading virtual seminars on important topics that have ranged from the Big Bang to the history of gay marriage; hosting career networking events with students; or presenting awards that recognize alumni for their professional accomplishments and community service achievements; the Alumni Council seeks to engage with all members of the College community.
The full Alumni Council meets two times each academic year. See this document for details about Council member roles and expectations. Our Constitution and Bylaws can be found here.
If you have any questions about the Council, please contact Assistant Vice President of Alumni and Family Programs Ellen Caccia at