The Robert Savage Image Award

We would like to see your favorite biological images!
If you have taken pictures/video as part of laboratory or field work, or in your treks around campus or other parts of the world, submit your best shots.
Submitted images will be judged by Professor Randy Exon of the Art Department, and Temple University Professor of Microbiology and Immunology (and painter) Bennett Lorber, '64. We will announce the award winners at the Biology Department Picnic on Tuesday, May 6th.
So take advantage of the amazing biological world around you - the laboratory, the Crum, Longwood Gardens or the Scott Arboretum all offer opportunities - we look forward to seeing your pictures!
The top 3 images will be given a check awarded from the Savage Fund. This endowed fund was established by students and colleagues to honor Professor Robert E. Savage, the first professor of Cell Biology at Swarthmore College. We're happy to be able to give this award, which is an especially nice match to Bob's interests in Biology and the Arts.
More information and last year's submissions can be found here.
To qualify, your images:
- Must include a caption - attach a few sentences of information describing the subject. If you have a photomicrograph, also describe the microscopic technique (i.e., brightfield, confocal, etc.).
- Must be emailed to Matt Powell by 9 AM April 21st. If the video is too large to submit via email, please contact Matt to make other arrangements for submission.
The fine print:
- Only one submission per student.
- Images may be black & white or color.
- Please submit your images at the highest resolution possible. If possible, still images should have a resolution of at least 1800 x 1440 (there is no minimum resolution for video). Landscape (wide as opposed to tall) images are preferred.
- Any student who has taken at least one Biology course at Swarthmore is eligible to submit an image.
- We anticipate using at least some of the images on our departmental website and to decorate the halls of Martin. Your submission of your work means that you will allow us to do this.
Please contact Liz Vallen if you have any questions.