English Literature Department
Lang Performing Arts Center, Room 202
Swarthmore College
500 College Avenue
Swarthmore, PA 19081
Phone: (610) 328-8152
Fax: (610) 690-6837
Email: englishliterature@swarthmore.edu
Department Social Links
Lois Morrell and John Russell Hayes Poetry Awards
2019 Awards
judged by poet Thomas Devaney
Lois Morrel Award (1st place)
2018 Awards
Lois Morrel Award (1st place)
Yi Wei '21, for Shaving
John Russel Hayes Awards:
(2nd place) Paul Buchanan '21, for little deaths
(2nd place) Moses Rubin '19 ,for The Hafele-Keating Experiment
(3rd place) Ozsu Risvanoglu '20, for translations from the Turkish of Turgut Uyar’s The Night of Deers and Asylum