Course Assignments
1) Regular attendance and participation, including asking good questions when others are going their class presentations.
2) Blog posts: Every week, post about 2 pages (450-500 words) of reading notes, questions, comments and observations on the course blog. If you prefer to write two pages and give them to me, or send me as an e-mail attachment, that is also all rigiht.
3) First paper: 5 pages, outlining the relations between Russians and Muslims in the first few sources we have read. Rough draft due September 13, final draft due September 27.
4) Class presentation: in consultation with the professor, choose a film to watch, or a work we have not read in class. Give a 15-minute presentation in class outlining the plot and other features, and discussing its significance for the topic of our course. (Visual aids such as posters, PowerPoint presentations, video segments, or handouts are welcome.)
5) Second paper: 7-8 pages. Choose one or two texts that give a positive portrayal of Muslims or of a Muslim culture and discuss the implications of these depictions. Rough draft due October 11, final draft due October 30.
6) Third paper: 10 pages. Topic of your choice; I can hand out suggestions if you wish. Rough draft due November 20; final draft due December 6.
7) Final examination: the three-hour take-home examination (closed book, open notes) will be posted on the course Moodle site after the last class meeting. It is due to me by 5 p.m. on December 21.