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Fall '23 Programming Preview

Summer draws to an end, and the campus is lively once again, full of students, staff, and faculty. Soon, Lang Music will be full of sound. The Swarthmore College Orchestra, Chorus, Garnet Singers, Gamelan, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Chinese Music Ensemble, and Fetter Chamber Groups will welcome new and familiar faces to their ranks, and begin to prepare for their end of semester performances. 

In the meantime, there is a slew of other exciting music programming coming to Swarthmore. Lunch Hour Concerts return Wednesday, September 27th in Parrish Parlor with featured artists Dana Lyn and Kyle Sana. The fiddle and guitar duo’s intimate set will be followed by a workshop on traditional Irish music set to take place in Lang Concert Hall later that day. Lunch Hour Concerts will continue every Monday at 12:30pm in Parrish Parlor for the remainder of the semester, (excluding Indigenous Peoples Day on 10/9 and the week of Fall Break 10/16) and will feature diverse performances by faculty, staff, alumni, and current Swarthmore students.  

Other notable programs coming to Lang Music this fall include modern, all-female mariachi group Flor de Toloache, early music vocal ensemble Stile Antico, celebrated clarinetist Alan Kay, and a screening of silent films The Fall of the House of Usher 1928, and One Week 1920 with live, improvised organ accompaniment by Senior Lecturer Andrew Hauze ’04. If you’ve not had a chance to hear the newly restored Holtkamp Pipe Organ in the concert hall, then this particular performance is not to be missed! A reminder that all performances are free and open to the public.

For more information on performances, featured artists, and all that the music program here at Swarthmore has to offer, make sure to check out our new interactive digital brochure.