The following medieval studies courses are currently offered at Swarthmore. Majors and minors are also allowed to include medieval courses from Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and the University of Pennsylvania in their curriculum.
Spring 2025
- HIST 002A. War, Religion, Revolution: Europe, 1096-1789
- LING 042. Voices of the Silk Road: Languages, Societies, and Cultural Exchange in Central Asia
- MDST 020. Medieval and Renaissance Music
- MUSI 020. Medieval and Renaissance Music
- MUSI 045. Critical Mass Medieval-Renaissance Vocal Chamber Ensemble
- PHIL 001H. Introduction to Philosophy: Personal Identity
- PHIL 053. Indian Philosophy
- RELG 004B. Interpreting Jews: Premodern Biblical Interpretation
- RELG 008B. The Qur'an and Its Interpreters
- RELG 011B. Islam
- RELG 067. Judaism, The Jew(s), Israel
- RUSS 047. Russian Fairy Tales
Fall 2025
- ARTH 002. Cave Painting to the Sistine Ceiling
- CHIN 033. Introduction to Classical Chinese
- ENGL 010. Monsters, Marvels, and Mysteries: Beowulf to Paradise Lost
- LING 033. Introduction to Classical Chinese
- MUSI 045. Critical Mass Medieval-Renaissance Vocal Chamber Ensemble
- PHIL 001G. Introduction to Philosophy: Rationality and Religious Belief
Spring 2026
- ENGL 014. Old English/History of the Language
- ENGL 046. Tolkien and Pullman and Their Literary Roots
- HIST 014. Sex, Lies and Revolution: Democracy in Anglo-America, 1642-1776
- LING 014. Old English/History of the Language
- MUSI 045. Critical Mass Medieval-Renaissance Vocal Chamber Ensemble
- PHIL 001H. Introduction to Philosophy: Personal Identity
- RELG 008B. The Qur'an and Its Interpreters
- RELG 098. Islamic Law & Society
Fall 2026
- CHIN 037. Text and Image: Classical Chinese Poetry and Painting
- ENGL 010. Monsters, Marvels, and Mysteries: Beowulf to Paradise Lost
- MUSI 001A. 1000 Years of Musical Firsts
- MUSI 045. Critical Mass Medieval-Renaissance Vocal Chamber Ensemble
- PHIL 001G. Introduction to Philosophy: Rationality and Religious Belief
- RELG 011B. Islam
- RELG 053. Gender, Sexuality, and the Body in Islamic Discourses
- RELG 114. Love and Religion
Spring 2027
- ARTH 072. Global History of Architecture: Prehistory to 1750 CE
- CHIN 027. Nature and the Non-Human in Classical Chinese Tales of the Strange
- CHIN 033. Introduction to Classical Chinese
- ENGL 014. Old English/History of the Language
- ENGL 046. Tolkien and Pullman and Their Literary Roots
- HIST 016. Abnormal: Queer Theory for Historians
- LING 014. Old English/History of the Language
- MUSI 045. Critical Mass Medieval-Renaissance Vocal Chamber Ensemble
- PHIL 001H. Introduction to Philosophy: Personal Identity
- RELG 008B. The Qur'an and Its Interpreters
- RELG 100. Holy War, Martyrdom, and Suicide in Christianity, Judaism and Islam