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Wyatt Brannon ‘26

Wyatt Brannon ‘26

First math class at Swarthmore: MATH 025 Calculus II with Professor Mavinga

What was your favorite math class and why? MATH 039 Discrete Math with Professor Reinhart: I just love discrete math I guess! The problems we worked on were really fun and produced neat, counterintuitive results.

Why did you become a math major? I originally intended to apply mathematics to the political science field, however my interest has started to shift towards more pure mathematics in itself! I just love math.

How do you expect to use your mathematics after leaving Swarthmore?  I don't know how I'm going to use it yet, but I will be seeking to attend graduate school in one field or another.

What advice do you have for an incoming student?  Try different things! Only by trying out different fields will you identify the area for which you are truly passionate.

Anything else you'd like to share?  Math is awesome!