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Politics & Public Policy

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Politics & Public Policy at Swarthmore College's entails actively addressing societal issues through meaningful interaction with governmental structures, political processes, and community engagement initiatives. It involves working towards social justice and change by leveraging political mechanisms and policy frameworks to advocate for the interests of individuals and communities. In this context, Engaged Scholarship in politics and public policy encompasses a wide range of activities, including advocacy, legislative work, political campaigns, and community organizing efforts.

Beyond theoretical understanding to apply actionable strategies in real-world contexts, Politics & Public Policy bridges the gap between academic knowledge and practical action. Students and scholars engage with issues such as civil rights, environmental justice, healthcare reform, and economic inequality, among others, by actively participating in political and policy-related initiatives. This involvement extends beyond the classroom, with opportunities for internships, research projects, and community-based collaborations that contribute to meaningful social and political change. By connecting with the issue area of politics and public policy, individuals address a diverse array of social and political concerns, recognizing the interconnectedness of these issues within broader societal contexts. Engaged Scholarship in this field energizes movements aimed at addressing systemic injustices and advancing inclusive, equitable policies that benefit all members of society.

Through their commitment to Engaged Scholarship in Politics & Public Policy, students and scholars at Swarthmore College's Lang Center demonstrate a dedication to creating tangible, sustainable solutions to pressing social and political challenges.

  See student examples of engaged scholarship below.

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