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Connect with Ethics & Human Rights

Key Faculty & Staff

  • Sa’ed Atshan | Department Chair and Associate Professor of Peace & Conflict Studies 
  • Lee Smithey | Associate Professor of Peace & Conflict Studies (on leave Fall 2023) 
  • Michael Wilson Becerril | Visiting Assistant Professor of Peace & Conflict Studies 
  • Emily Paddon-Rhoads | Associate Professor of Political Science 
  • Krista Thomason | Associate Professor of Philosophy 
  • Sangina Patnaik | Associate Professor of English Literature 
  • Keith Reeves | Associate Professor of Political Science and Department Chair 
  • Nanci Buiza | Associate Professor of Spanish and Peace & Conflict Studies, Coordinator for Latin American and Latino Studies Program 
  • Nina Johnson | Associate Professor of Sociology and Black Studies 
  • Edwin Mayorga | Associate Professor of Education, Latin American and Latino Studies 
  • Sabeen Ahmed | Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Peace & Conflict Studies 
  • Alexandra Gueydan-Turek | Associate Professor and Department Chair of Modern Languages & Literatures 
  • Ellen Ross | Associate Professor of Religion and Peace & Conflict Studies 
  • Andrew Ward | Associate Professor of Psychology 


Student Groups

  • War News Radio
  • Swarthmore Students for Justice in Palestine  
  • Students for Transformative Justice, Abolition, and Reform (STAR) | Contacts: Rae Peeples '25
  • Petey Greene Program | Contact: Nzana Thillot ‘25
  • Jewish Voice for Peace | Contact: Noe Caplan ‘25
  • SwatDoulas | Contact: Lina Verghese ‘25
  • Campus Community Concerning Chester (C-4) | Contact: 
  • Solidarity at Swarthmore

Lang Center Associates in Ethics & Human Rights

Aqua Withers Carello '25

Ethics & Human Rights

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