Spring 2025
ARAB 004. Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic II
- Ahmed, Hanna.
ARAB 012A. Advanced Arabic Conversation
- Ahmed.
ARAB 012. Advanced Arabic II
- Smith.
ARAB 030. Writing America in Arabic
- Smith.
DANC 046. Kathak
- Chakravorty.
RELG 008B. The Qur'an and Its Interpreters
- al-Jamil.
RELG 011B. Islam
- al-Jamil.
Fall 2025
ARAB 011A. Arabic Conversation
- Staff.
ARAB 011. Advanced Arabic I
- Staff.
ARAB 041. Self and Nation in Mahmoud Darwish's Poetry and Prose
- Al-Masri.
DANC 049F. Repertory/Ensemble: Kathak
- Chakravorty.
HIST 025. Colonialism and Nationalism in the Middle East
- Shokr.
PEAC 053. Contemporary Israel/Palestine
- Atshan.
RUSS 023. The Muslim in Russia
- Forrester.
Spring 2026
ARAB 004. Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic II
- Staff.
ARAB 012A. Advanced Arabic Conversation
- Staff.
ARAB 012. Advanced Arabic II
- Staff.
DANC 046. Kathak
- Staff.
HIST 006B. The Modern Middle East
- Shokr.
PEAC 003. The Middle East and North Africa
- Atshan.
RELG 008B. The Qur'an and Its Interpreters
- al-Jamil.
RELG 098. Islamic Law & Society
- al-Jamil.
Fall 2026
ARAB 011A. Arabic Conversation
- Staff.
ARAB 011. Advanced Arabic I
- Staff.
ARAB 021. Topics in Modern Arab Literature
- Staff.
DANC 049F. Repertory/Ensemble: Kathak
- Staff.
FREN 109. Honors Seminar: Queering North African Subjectivities
- Gueydan-Turek.
RELG 011B. Islam
- al-Jamil.
RELG 053. Gender, Sexuality, and the Body in Islamic Discourses
- al-Jamil.
Spring 2027
ARAB 004. Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic II
- Staff.
ARAB 012A. Advanced Arabic Conversation
- Staff.
ARAB 012. Advanced Arabic II
- Staff.
ARAB 022. Discourses of Oppression in Contemporary Arabic Fiction
- Staff.
DANC 046. Kathak
- Staff.
HIST 006B. The Modern Middle East
- Shokr.
HIST 031. France in Algeria, France and Algerians, 1830-present
- Brown.
RELG 008B. The Qur'an and Its Interpreters
- al-Jamil.
RELG 100. Holy War, Martyrdom, and Suicide in Christianity, Judaism and Islam
- al-Jamil.